Blackstock WI Tweedsmuir Community History, 1992
- Publication
- Tweedsmuir Community History Collections (Stoney Creek, ON), [1992] - [1992]
- Médias
- Text
- Type d'élément
- Scrapbooks
- Description
- Mrs. 1897 visits with Mrs. 1967
Blackstock W.I. Program 1991-1992
Newspaper Articles
90th Birthdays - Rev. Charles Clarke, 1992
95th Birthday - J. Gordon Jeffrey, Jan. 24, 1992
Obituaries - Robert (Bob) Elder, Feb. 5, 1992
- Harold Ben Barnett, Feb. 21, 1992
- Hector William Shortridge, Feb. 7, 1992
- Paul Kevin Filer, March 4, 1992
- Ivan M. Cochrane, March 10, 1992
- Isabelle (Belle) Harkness Werry, April 13, 1992
- Frank Bailey, June 12, 1992
- Douglas linton Sleep, May 10, 1992
- Samuel Arthur Cawker, Nov. 2, 1992
- Elwood Melvin Tripp, Oct. 27, 1992
- Grace Jean Byers Swain, Dec. 28, 1992
In Memoriam - Wilfred Herbert Vine, March 19, 1991
- Sandy Moore, March 30, 1991
-John Venning, April 3, 1987
25th Wedding Anniversaries - David & Leah Frew, April 18, 1992
Durham Region Federation of Agriculture Annual Banquet & Dance, April 3, 1992
Blackstock Achievement Night, April 21, 1992
- Date de l'original
- [1992] - [1992]
- Sujet(s)
- Couverture géographique
Ontario, Canada
Latitude: 44.10012 Longitude: -78.81626
- Déclaration de droit d'auteur
- Copyright status unknown. Responsibility for determining the copyright status and any use rests exclusively with the user.
- Emplacement d'original
- Scugog Shores Museum
- Contacter
- Federated Women's Institutes of
Adresse Internet:
Adresse postale d'agence552 Ridge Road
Stoney Creek, ON L8J 2Y6