__ _ TV, 7W77441; _ _ _ w T i The Mary Stewart Collect ( Keep us 0 Lord from pettiness;let ’ us be large in thought, in word, in deed. Let us be done with fault INSTITUTE ODE _ finding end leave off self)- . . . .. crre seekin . Ma we ut swa ell A goodly thing it.ls to meet _ , pretenge ang meeg each gther face In friendship's circle bright a to face, without self pity and where nothing stains t23e2%685ure} without prejudice. May we never _ . . . _ be hasty in judgment and always _ (ijl"r1"riit11ristj,hgrpfcey1:i1.ithts,t I generous. Let, us take time for all No envy sour the mindlps 5 all pas) things; make us grow calm, serene, But each shell seek the _ V gentle. Teach us to put into The ood of all ki common wee action our better impulses straight g _ I man Indo. forward and unafraid. Grant that we may realize that it is the little . things that create differences; that in the big things of life we are one. And may we strive to g touch and know the great human heart Common to us all, and O Lord ', T , God let us not forget to be kind.