_ '.,tts" '" ni., , 77 BLACK l l . li i l h P-Sus..?..;;). 00y toners INSTITUTLG _ - Vest Durham D' . ',,' Meets . , Istrict T '. ' L,rVt' "; r ' .,. , if??? ",r,laiysri,yss/.iiay of each month ' BUCIMLLR oLVr', n1 is mummy e Communlty Hall ' 1915...,] west 1) h _ . . ..................1975 l' I -.. ur ora District , teats ilrst rednesdsy of' each month Programme for 1975-1976 19:21 the Community Hell OffiCers "-v-.....1c/vs TFrigtygii -lr . C,?" a " 'ff?rs'-ysrq Secretary); - Tins. H. Shortrldge Programs ior- 1675-19; Tree i' s, S: /lsnpomp if . may??? 7, Mrs, F. Hoskin"" . ?s-f,-ii-iiiss-ri-rs-: ' i/ir)l(teistjt1fc,s,. ' L. Thompscm _ If??? ant aC, illf‘S . H . Shortridge . Public Rellrgctor - Mrs. P. VanCemp is (y"-'- resldent-llrs. makelding 1 Fruit Ptions - Mrs. H. Bailey ' t?,ly"'e1jary - [irs. b'. Vch'imp l; Audit & Flower - Mrs. F. Bailey ')'l'fi)',c surer - iit'Si. F. iloskin l ors - ll? ll Hooey b11523; kiwi L. Thompson . V s. . Vance - . lFGCtor-llr5_ '. t a: Resolutions - Mrs. s V mph Habli.c Relations - i" y VG nf,? ry? . PnCemp F _ tn" srsi, ll. Br llev l fruit & Flower - hrs. y. Be ilev F i 'audfttors: - lire . ll. Vent); mp " , fuss “I zel duglish _ l Resolutions - Mrs. L. VanCe‘mp ' / y5s, ' _ . -. . Mrs. mast sending, cl/trr/r/rf/il/Kyra/i/isps; ters of thanks were read way streetinvolving le? Mrs. Gladys Thompson, '47livalr'1a1/:5;'arTltlL,0/a,tilitgiyp. Blackstock W.I. met on from Edith Byers, Louise parent and teacher and With Blackstock W.I. if†Mrs. Velva Bailey and Mrs. 1iirrserirf,hastgymgi,,i, if.†{my F ruar 1 in the Wright and Jean Williams. all working together to form At 12:39 pan. on We nes- Margaret VanCamp attend- vvfoi'r2aln/isjelt 3,532,303“; Twnwnsmp Hall with 13 Other business was a mingle, the peaks oi day, AM 6 _members If ed the Federated Women's i it1ltr/1,ec1ee/iig1gdsrijl)Fsi,',iiri'e; members and 2visitors pre- change in pnce for quilting w m representd challenge the'Blackstock Women s Institutes of Canada Conven- a cd21, 'sh/W/il,','::;,) gfvmkgm sent. Mrs. Hector Short- yyltt, a delegate to go to 'ir,fS"',e""/, an courage Pstitute..gatterd in the non at Charlottetown. They , 2p_m_Ménday_Servicemme-Fhm‘, ridge president called the Officers Conference m Wat- w 1c in turn leads to ffry,meity..rN for their also enjoyed a 19 day tour of Jgrsi',iir,nitnoo/t a! zoo oclocl.’ meetih g to or it r after a erloo in May. Cushion top successZ From a teachers meeting which began with. the' Maritimes and part of dessert luncheon had been competition for F Dlistrict givhl’eogtnezge a Sign? "l1ng,'.'.tra Aggwt 'ih,tt, the New England states. enjoyed. _ :Annual and a Musica even- d t di o T on . e , _ __ _ minutes t ilence mg of fun to be held soon un ers an ng, courage and meeting properly opened /Qr b Mrs. McArthur lstoc is son and his dau hter wiwoobserved in gemsory of and sponsored by the WI. ', 3:: kggttge cope not? lie LhSehOde age] collectsonl gave an interesting accent, ‘(a gtanddaughter of Gegorge one of our oldest and most and presented by St.Pauls len e f t'asmg C a . J,",; or Til) 891145131 ta of a short visit with a kg Tait) works at W.H. Smith's faithful members, Mrs. W. Halted Church, Bowman- Vegnln; '1'u,127 5241;: Eagle" - R0191 (3:1?va 'bt-tu-l-e-st-see, after, bookstore in Toronto. Mr. _ VanCam . Her group V1 e. . ' . . Dur .uage.was Blackstock said his grand- 2,d,,v,,'e, tf)'ll"ikel'fi'nrg,r pat', Pi,"; Gladys Tampa" 'il1r22r//:rh,t',t,si,j 'lrT,,"rfif it: tiin7u7ti7d 21llrfiry offline. 'l , ft,""it,1sc,1p1rgs 2g m3 tribute to her memory an an er group on. . Iucaion the teaching methods used were read and. approved bein . l d d ' . IS e 00 e a er wo o ended with a lovely poem and Cultural Activities pre- for this material Our also treasurers re rt which g tnc u e with the aunts who referred to him ,, ' ,, - sented the motto - Rest not . guest po hope that some of the older as Ll T TT ut o Crossing the Bar . Let beneath the tree of know: ill',' thanked by Mrs. IL. 53V? 'b, healthy balance to folk will enjoy it. broth??? (3;:ng brunt, 3:: ledge - Climb it. She then ompson a ter which she egin e new term. Mr. 'George Blackstock brilliant lawyer, as "Dear introduced our guest conducted f Geography The eook btroks are nearly who will be, during the next George". Mr. Blackstock speaker Mrs. Dorothy Venn- Match. Meeting closed with all sold and have been a big A year. at the Canadian had hoped to make another ' She started her talk o Canada. boost to the bank balance. Embassy, Stockholm, Sive- vi it to Bl k t k t h "15' _ . ' Our January meeting took Although somewhat belated .. T , . ac S 00 .0 S ow with the dtfinitioe of the adiiier%tWriri-aiiiit Nest, a motion was made “a den, visited our village last his wife. and family the word education and brought leton W.I. were our guests carried to send $10.00 to the summer to find out how it community that was named out the fact that our edu.ca- Mrs. Harold Martyn and Community Hospital, Port got the name Blackstoek. after their kin but dye to tion needs are changing Mrs, Roy McLaughlin took Perry, in memory of Mrs. ‘He found it had been named rainy weather and having to rapidly and so provide a a short course onaFestival Francis Mountjoy who for after his great euroele, Pt m Stockholm by August much broader choice to of Dairy Foods at orono many years was a valued George Tait Blackstock who 1,he wasn't able to make it. students. She branched off and in their very capable member. At this time a had been a Federal Conser- He left both his Stockholm on how the basic skills.ap! manner proceeded to dem. caretaker for the Memorial Native Candidate for Dur- _ and Ottawa addresses and being taught at _Cartwright onstrate several tempting Park is needed. This is one ham West riding around said if anyone had questions Central Public School dishes. They spoke of the of the main projects of the '1885-86, as well as a brilliant to ask concerning George where Mrs. Venning was a Dairy Industry in general Institute so it is hoped a criminal lawyer. George Tait Blackstock he'd bry Principal and teacher for and of the many different suitable person may be Tait Blackstock defended happy to oblige. many years. How she does products produced by this gotten. Correspondence some of the most notorious supply teaching and so very important and read by the Secretary. criminals in his time and, keeps in touch with develop- necessary industry. Many Achievement Day will be although he often lost, he ing trends m ed1ytyti0n. She wives of local dairy farmers held in the public school on WOW! put up such a bril, explained how it IS a three, were among the 45 guests. _ Saturday, May 23rd. Visit- liant defence he got much Dora and Edith made ors are invited to attend for publicity. George Tait Bologna Surprise, Colorful the afternoon session at 1:30 B.11ckstoek's wife had mar- Sole Fillets, Macaroni and/ p.m. Three quilts have riedaseeond timetoa man Cheese Casserole starting' been quilted with at least named Grant and the Black- off with raw macaroni and} two more to do. The stock childrtis names were Cool Lemon Mold. Desserts members are most grateful fharged to Grant and that included Orange Frost, to the ladies other than is why there were no de. Chocolate Marble and members who have come scendants of George Tait Peach Cloud. Each guest and helped. Thank you Blaekstoek named Blaek. received a valuable goole ladies! Quilting has stock. There was a leroy . _ book containing these recip- become an old craft now in _ Grant who died last spring , es and many others, style again and prov1des a i who was George TaitNitk- _ Many thanks Edith and means of money without Dora from us all; any investment.