BLACKSTOCK JOMJN'S INbTITUiJ west Durhpm District Meets first Jednesdey of each month in the Community Hall 191 ........................l INSTITUTS GRACE r) 5 977 PROGRLM FOR l977 - 1978 Je thank Thee, Esther, for Thy CFre OFFICERS l Food friends End kindliness we share FTs7t7FFesjidi2ntr- Mrs. H. Shortridge President - Mrs. J. Skelding b'VY we forever mindful be, Secretary -- Mrs. S. Vanamp Trersurer - Mrs. R. Bradburn Cf Home :nd Country, end of Thee. Pianist - Mrs. L. Thompson District Director -lv4rs. L. Thompson Public Relstions - Mrs. H. Briloy l Fruit & Flower Committee - Mrs. Fl Bailey Mrs. H. Shortridge Luditors - Mrs. H. VanCtrap Miss Hrzel Anglish