r"'-----.--"'-"'------, __ The Mary Ltewert Collect Keep us C) Lord from pettiness;let us be lyrge in thought, in word, in deed. Let us be done with fault K finding and leave off si- -m a 1) seeking. May we put away all 1_Ng./LU1".l..J.L'u.'.2Uil, pretence and meet each other face q . . _. _ to face without self pity and A goodly thing 1t.1s to meet or/itiatypiT,ri'ii:iTe/." Hey we never In friendship‘s circle bright be hasty in judgment and always Ikere nothing s1jCis),eurt'/e1e,,meet, _ generous. Let us take time for all . . U . U tn E; make u __ _ g ' s _ e Nor dime the radiant light. gghtle. Teach ilsftr,":ui'ci,1ri'et,icieT , No unkind words our lEESSShEll i' action our better imoulses straight . _ forward and unafraid. Grent that we 1citere1pihsyJyt1'ec,inb, may realize that it is the little u 80C r wgqfommon things that create differences; , . , . 5 that in the big things of life we The good Of ‘11 mcnklnd. are one. And mEy we strive to touch and know the great human . heart cormmn to us all, and C) Lord . God let us not forget to be kind.