lN LOVING MEMORY OF BRUCE FISHER (Rev. Ken Purdon - conducting) /ccCgSgiii,S:ilr-iiis-,r,e-e--,-e--, "size-tsf-Ci-r-p: Jesus Saviour Pilot Me SCRIPTURE SENTENCES 1tiTg, Of Jesus, Saviour, pilot me a" / V S " _ ' lS er . W N Jaws WOW Fr/ot Me 340 Nicholson Rd, Over life's tempestuous sea', R.R.#1 Bailieboro, Ontario U k b f ll' PRAYER OF APPROACH . n nown waves e ore me ro Pt of Birth Hiding rock and treacherous shoal; April 22, 1920 -ESSONS‘ Psalm 23 Chart and compass come from Thee, Wisdom 3: 1 - 3 Date of Death J . il Revelation " 1 - 4 June 22, 2002 esus, Saviour, pilot me. John 14: l -6 . Funeral Services From REF_ECTlON cc'mifg,2lrg,t Home Chapel As a mother stills her child, y, June 25, 2002 ' 1:30 pm Thou canst hush the ocean wild: pRAYERS- Thanksgiving, Remembrance, Offici ti Boisterous waves obey Thy will I a mg Intercession, Supplication Reverend Ken Purdon When Thou biddest them "Be still". The Lord's Prayer Interment Wondrous sovereign of the sea, Dawson Cemetery Jesus, Saviour, pilot me. HYMN What A Friend We Have in Jesus BLESSlNG C) Lord, support us all day long of this troublous life, When at last I near the shore, until the shadows lengthen and the evening comes, And the fearful breakers roar and the busy world is hushed, and the fever of life is twixt me and the peaceful land, over and our work is done. Then, Lord, in your Still supported by Thy hand, mercy grant us a safe lodging, a holy rest, and May I hear Thee sayto me, peace at the last; through Jesus Christ our Lord, Fear not, Iwill pilot Thee. Amen INTERMENT DAWSON CEMETERY Reception to follow at Emmanuel United Church, Bailieboro