T _ t, â€fr -rs----_;-ai-,rt-er- 7’ qrq Mm' r __, T i, , .. Silage. _,l?i?iti'iiir': 3%": .a .rr l C g L JU, 3' t' » . s, 9 C _ 'c' 1risr'/Cvii'"r'ttsh" l' 21t L'r:iii',.i/,,, . _ _ w as»... , t __' t 'tiid l ' â€Aâ€? 14,..._... . A I - - . ' T / .,:-~""’ "AL "' C'::U' It; at , awn?“ ' '., , . , :1 , M " " n . [ . A r, 77% " b A? I " t '5 ali) " ce, .9â€. Ir; "all" I) 7'" , "gilt' I ", t kl .1. B, ' Ms" A . _ Ct _ _ r Eat, _ r 'y? / " T .. 1' ' s _ . . ', AMI; mu ,r ll _ A b, “A†. , , 4- it», _ C r v2 " i', , l 'tiris-N, rr A. .4 " r , _ _ . ' _ , A LD, 'irfrs" r /1n A F, I; a, 'ri, 'A 'er ’ - v"' C 01% V _ _ Et" _ pr l _ .’,‘ l rt ‘2 . r= " _' _ ' t t, . tlk.") i T my I ' , , . I A . . _ ' i 3,, “A " . . p,, as; iA "r ' " Ish, Merit/ ' V 'cr t ‘ " I a. _- I, r ‘ _'rt-,_,,,slt, l _ W 352mm . - . 1 - L' "j i "r, _ "N l " , ')i:ci'ii, “ “kW-Lg "Vw _ ,l r . V " A .. C A Winn A A w, _ . 'g -‘ Malili " Atsb", To be wed DON AND ELDA ANDERSON _' g i 't?ifl' iiiWi and" Gordon And Freda Eagleson are 50TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY , , p r “Jar, pleased to announce the forthcoming Please ioin us lo'celebrate our parents 50th Wedding Cl rq marriage of their daughter Amanda, to Anniverlsary Sunday May 14th, 2006 at the Milibrook WE HAD A GREATTIME Bill, son ot William and Leona Lauchian Lions Den 2L4 m Y’our presence is their gift. Many thanks to all the wonderful people. that made ot Bailieboro. The wedding will take in ' _____. our501h Wedding Anniversary speciaLThanks for the place Oth. 14, 2000, 3 p.m. at Centreville cards, gifts & hugs. it was an awesome day. glad & Presbyterian Church, South Monaghan, . . " ,, Gwen Graham. T _ 900(3) d Dance at Port Hope Legion at 9 p.m. r ' .. - V _-_------,---'--::-:--'----:":::','--""" . [ft/i/lr' -". _ "idj' _'i?i"i'fjvf(ifri,s:'f./ 3. : . _ BI l, , - . . ',r' ' _‘ L'iC's' ( ", “"5 , " ii ' " A Ni M' ' ' . [tw." T _ e C I "‘fwr-vav , r , , trt i in I " . 'j" I ’ F Kirk» t . , ' " " .. " IE Lt'i'al / . - I _ . - " "i,v': C rrw'w r iv Ts . . " a. ' " . .. 'l , MA " " k' l .. , " 1 [ . - Bilm ', Ig-tIM, A u I irN, Eil' . lit r t'e Mi' _ Bil gum. , 1llflBililt . . i _ ', " . . -' , . . ‘ Wr ' . A, if“ A. s, 'rat .3, “A, RIlB Rt l w _ .. al . E i A . , 'liiii " , , I gt, 'u-.', I .. ' Fi "gr . I rr ff ‘ " in; . P, . IS, , :7’"§ = “1;, 'lla' . l - . . a iN " . I i l r‘ T . u . s ' ' , . i. a It a, ‘41.. l I .v EErg P. li . ' '_ :jei " . -rk' Mil bi? Ff, Vi my , El r, . ... ,: 1rT q LI " - , ' _ _ "' . I r ' ‘ , ' / _ l i' ' _ "mpg *1 C r I . . ii 2‘ . , ' _ 25th annlversary . ' ee ' Happy 25th anniversary Dennis and . V 50th Anniversary Janice Hannah. Love Amanda, Melanie, _ ffl.tl.,t anmversary The family of Reid and Eileen Retalllck Derek and Daryl and all your family. 2"g1g,1','htee, to Allan and Leone would like to invite relatives, friends Open House at the Millbrook Legion, 8 aenter as. you celebrate your 50th and neighbours to help celebrate their p. m. - 1 a. m., Saturday, July 22. Best wedding anniversary on Sept. 20, 2000. 50th Anniversary on Friday, duty 14th wishes only. a ' Wishing you continued love and good trom 8 pm. to 1 am. at the Mlllbrook‘ 00 health. Love your families. [ Arena, Banquet Room upstairs. Beat- ' Wishes Only. 3.0% _ , 'll r hi; I' . " ri g. r " . ' " . ' l ' , 75 q it = p tt ti' y , T,',', n. 9-. , I _ " in an KJEN‘ Th f CONGRATULATiONS wedged/Ja!. 1eJ/ldlh,Y,2r1sjeiti, e amily ofHenryer EleanorJewison invite outoceieb t th ' 50t ' ' K? _ an our ap'liys,mlatives, at an Open House to be held at Emanuyei United Chain, 'lliige),1r,t""sary magi-3 n5lgllbours for the" support and october1,2006irom1-3pmnsestwAddG'i Irtg ur1r19thelasthaltcehiury, mi