Bailieboro WI Tweedsmuir Community History, Volume 2, Part 2: News, [1968] - [2003], page 3

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-e-.--i __ ---- ----------""-'-ru7',t--i"frart ”i "A . B . . ”it , " Tir' l ' . ailleboro Teac er s restwoo s lg est R tire Aft 33 Y 1 e I 5 er ears " At;rade 13 student at Crest William Adamson. 82.8 per per cent and Charles Lyall 's .. r . , “and Secondary School has cont; Marie Edmonson. 82.6 with 78 percent. 1A,/...HEE,15f,l (ENS) _ Al In 1935 She married Frank graduated with 94 per cent on per cent; Nanci Pammett, 80.5 A total of 79 students earn- leaching career yetAegan .331ankey and retired, as she eight credits - the highest ed secondary school honor “ea” fig" _,ir,teh 'i,1i)s?uvS1,t,egihrl; permanently, from; over-ans in the schuol's his» you -m s w graduation di lomas for ra- 1e re iremen " 1l'S. ran Pac mg, 1ol'Y. a if?" IBa5iilt dilation fpom Eli-aide 13. g Lackey, Grade 5 and 6 teacher In D ec em be r, 1949, Mrs. Virginia Gail Anderson. 18, a?” isa At the Grade 12 level 82 at South Monaghan Consolidated Lackey was asked to fill in for daughter of Mr. and Mrs Al, a a graduated from the five year School (Bailieboro). the ”131110" "2, termkatter Te {red G. Anderson of RR l, 1* E program, 34 from the four . . . . teacher ell. e too on the South Monaghan, was top f year arts and science pi'o- Leeipuigefveiia1tdeaiid"ts,i job for a few months until a _ among nine Crestwood stud- ’ gram, 37 from the [our year a art contest from which a replacement could be found. And C ‘4’ - ems recommended to the de- V ‘ technical program, 18 from liadi crest was chosen and is she laughingly recalls stretch. '/elit,l1','lf,' of education as On- 1WT '"'"'. """e13 t the ~Cit-operative course for now presented annually to the ing those few months into'19 ' [ 11h0d1'lltiaJi'a Warren Watt g BltQ "ri""-,','-, 1 'ttt si ti 1t1/gstiisia,,sisi,ii/arfnsdTk42gg, 'gepitniy 15%?”- One of her "lliio, the Consolidated school said more than 300 students , Ep)--,':,:'::;:,,,'::':,:-,,'-,:,::':':')','?!, I/KS' fl branch, including 11 in special crgst mg a) S was a school was built in Bailiebaro Ge Mrs. will receive diplomas. certifi. vm, Ks':',' _ N _r':":1,'i,' 1lecisr ':5G Fi'i commercial. . Lackey came to it as the Grade rates andspeciol awards. The 'Irs/ttOE?,,':':):-'-" "r,:':"; 5 ' Fcii?'( An additional 48 students ‘ Born at Claremont, Mrs, S and 6 teacher. [carat'"""' will be made in -:.' ",?s')iii,'ir, W Tf "rr/i-,)"'; graduated flrom the two year Iéagllreysbehgai; teaching at Atha The Lackeys have one son, P, Ja ' i', s?stirCiil" ce, _ A 'ts,,ii,i"irjs, I'd occupatona trainina program ll ll: C oo in 1919 and con- Earl, who tannin. in Peterbor- Miss Anderson plans to i, ':fslii',i,i, "srffisrrr'sr.')'f:)l'c(' V "r', i at the Gnada 10 GU In the tinuing until 1922 when she went ough for two fears and is now study . modern languages at i, i'cit'frCr,; “W A V w'y _:',-,)) latter group are two students to Mancaster, teaching all the a pastor at Hoioe Church in lfzetoria College, University of . 2-3, to; P' TV , who earned honors standing in grades until 1928. She taught in downtown Toronto. He has been Toronto. , Fi _ v:,::,,',,,), 'a""- p' the department of labor ap- Fraserville until 1935 at the old married Civil years and his wife ”thew _top students are Su- _ r ...1.; tw, _ proved specialization in hair. Donaldson School which is now is a doctor at Toronto Gen al zanne Kinsman, its] per cent; ' “‘“'"- -'W --' sc,,..-.,,) dressing and cosmetology and the Orange Lodge hall iid ital L are Ronnie Brown, 85.5 per cent: VIRGINIA ANDERSON 10 students who earned gra- . p . . Marilyn Johnston 85 per cent: _ _ q (luation certificates in this Kathi Robinson, 82/l per cent; Ontario scholar subject. ”mm’y’m‘35‘mw‘w "_'rr:r;:rcirr, _'fi"r'rv""rr:'fCr: "””'” 'r-, "d/ "if"F' l't "re s" m 'j:??':',':,':','?;,, C/l',)"'?'"':?-]',,"',':';)"' I aim” w' ," ;/rjrrsi'rCricyfr,tjCfrivs;:1e T "ieAtsre vt?," l: :1- ct,' s vi/ry; "r,, F T i ' 'crf'sr:, a ct' "RT; -- y ":'"ri'esj) w'rC,1't-" «sfixm‘; (v,'?'):';?:",:?-; "r: writ"); Jc' v9'e "F v/l' 5; yy', .. “ "r" -' _ /r': Jir)4 v Ff, Jt, "fr/sie) _ "i; “‘-‘--.:: ”Wow“ Cir-ri?' stir':'),;,?'-,':')):";:,?-'? :2 f? wot 'ys:y"s:"vicr'r'ric/ is 'res , v. '1' s" _ ,1 ,. _‘ ' C ' "'tr' 'se., "lp; I ck'r "any,” "':5 .. C 'vtjr, 1: Ji., " (fi: g: T 4., \' 12w»: svii'/,',)i, _)ytisr,:iii:sf,r"rrt v _c,e m " )»--, _ Cr'.; E 0 .. _ l, _ _ 1 P ,. .u, " Ff; Jc:?-:' T' i q T I ii: at“ M: 1:':ssr,ilj,'fijCrt'lfic"4 may“ ii1rir,r,Cj'sr":i'; 9 ty"? o C: a; i; fi, a. ,1 q q ri, Ctr,' ly Crit, R: ik. I TT _ 'SfMh% w " 1lWahta% " 'fem iit"tit+8M “iii, fry ga'kka"'ga ",aira . 'S:?" “11"“M ttm At "Ja' 'aiak"iitj+EBgr 7 " ' ' ' o. wwmms _ - l-gi-gr, Kt E'g'tSrMEgtWaitlitaEt2X I Xie " i . . "er 'mir-ami-aM-tMMM ',?i.R.Se' - .5“ mM?W8a. ‘“W "rs'--",)?,':':':'":,?"':, Mttri+i1iiiMlMllgglIl. - z - "a'iiissktitduiiaB, B8MWtiNB, - rrsriffi1iiiC. ':'ilr(f':'jrtlrjjri 'BBB- _ We M . - . $ll - t - . IM 'B-N- ' q " . - .1 ‘ofitv‘fimo ',fiiffiifti, «on, BN5llBltMI - ' , 1 ' iilrl8lliiiilmigMgamift2?av,:iitsbCi,'i',trfi'; r"rg,i,r,)7rti"r')",ii5r:;tc,,F,'j, t a 'e:rW?,r4i:7sv;'i,rr,rt':j?: r'f):" Lt"? BMMgtgltgN a Migil" _ 'Bll1tMgttiBtaEtt%'tREc2iX.. =a8,sois,'a'iaftctt' _'t','i't'idif,',ii,ifii; .1 "WY” IlgllgMMlEN,stlllljllMlliBli ' It y;»~§”%fi§£%ywfi «dzfifiowgg‘y res-eeuro1..,:»"::>';-'--«-‘.:,:=::.-:;-.._1-:;v1'-=.=x-v::::.c:..’1"irzt?-,;;-Ia=aa:'>:=:::-.:/z3-1»/.(,:,r,,~L, ' 't?h'Cj _'. x ryilAtiit" g h' F; , 'itrc'iirirsr5,2srf)'i.i 2P.ti, , tis? 'grtrF?i;": WWMWJMJl’Wi’o tt cc MWW‘”WI“" M‘Wgwwtx; Frgall mNtalit ”In g tt tr v ' © INllilNi8itiNuliRl5iE"iit'tit'iaEligit::tli,r#! K4)l3i 'iiij22 1i'ii' b%'ii'i' fiiii't7i;' we??? Il't'allBli-MltlmNllllll - . v , ”£3“: SOUTH MONAGHAN CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL IN llAlLlEB 0R0 - (Examiner Photo) 1 I C 00 I ion roiecf _ _ i, In he F m Of 'O Cr Pl IS h I l, i or pen an C C 00 l l BAlLiEBtJRO (LNS) -. Con-‘teni which is compared to theitwo portahlcs. Kindergarten-licrcni rates and dlilerent ways) struction ol a SJaS,7a3 adc1i,t,ir,0j1j"h"rtse red schoolhouse" at lilo 33?“ Chlldl'e” attend sr:l1o0l in thus changing the rule of touch. to the South Monaglian School vears ar-o Millbrook. ty VF. in Baiiieboro is under' way. Thcl' ty , The n en )1” scl 1 we' t (Jl's. Instead of telling ur' ily addition will be in the form on The Pruiecl involves the build-w f? h“? /sou0 5” "ristrueting, teachers would be l an "open plan" school, a sys-iing of three additional class-iiii:k“rd3. ‘1); “8.111% SEEM"? to guiding and helping pupils either - lroonis. a kindergarten which lenlililelIIZZhbteS 'li," puiiu: 3]“ in small groups or individually. .. .,' ' m _ _ . tts ' ' o "o' n- ),v,i/lult 'yliieg11)ay"i.essedfgel"1,' dividual ideas and encourages The cost to equip the. new l , , 1 c . them to seek solutions to their school will be an additional $17 - tre, a general purpose loom and i C _ , , la health and guidance ai'oa. Theta“ questions q 600. Ne architect is Grant Roh. ", ‘last three will be termed “sup-l The uddiiion is scheduled tn'frl,m']‘ Of Tolten. b'ims, Ilubiekii port. facilities." Thin can he be ready [or use by March of and f\‘\50ma105.0f Cohourg.‘d‘hc utilized by students and the com- 1972. 3:?11312‘] ti: gum: It 13"35Lf'lvv'} . T Ji I r _ l 'lOl' OC' OHS l'llC ion u, n trturtity alike. _ T the open plan school will al. Peterlywough. Work on the pro- At present, the Bailichni'o’low for a greater flexibility in ject began during the lust wock school has five classrooms anlvrlucation. Pupils learn at (lit-lot August. l --i-- . ad'- I yrt - 'h l E \.

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