Bailieboro WI Tweedsmuir Community History: 4H Club, 1951-97, [1951] - [1997], page 6

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F / qi ' .. .. , M ' 1i"i'iijirfii-),'isltli! 5: F,Prt, ' (ir:t, :5. 'v' "cvrrlr'ic, " A. Si. I. » » ’ ). 5" .5 y, WV“? . Fiiir'iiiiiiii'it'h'iil'iv':', _ ' r,'l'iiir ,219’ " 5114.52: - ' . , . gsmL. ’ ocfiri7, iitiillll, . ; ',i)ib'itA93 t"iiiri ' 'i"?,"?"': _ it": Itil),' MBtl H t x . .' r7,Yiy?itd:'yd witi:':fi'.f,rf:)ii,l,Mll f 'tii),)?-::?))':),',': MP, r, ve =5- F, . l 'u'. " - hit l . . .5 . m: g. a«22515552555E..-:,z.<~-.. tlil 5 b/se';'.)?,);:';'?, i _ 45:55:53} f/rCit, '7. .2??- " aaltg 1% P. my (1:56"; (tlie,,')":':";',",')"," " 5’- u I l ‘53- ! 2it _ fin": 55“.." 'rtV. If,“ _", Watt l i " ' N " a .131" ,e* g C _ w.- l 'Iii/y/ii] ri'ri,r',fir,r"/,:"t"-trr- : st' -' _ " ”5'17- t?r't/;s'IN, wh2?sjrd: " fax-5w w» , ‘ - wt any: 1. iti/r,r'g" :3 1-“ f n: . .'"' t, at 3.} 3 3.5. '? Av u 4,;ng _ -._ " . TErlk1t:j.: - IN' a. l, I'M: " sl A; lu. ' t ll. ., ' t T I ‘ . ' ’ 5. - r ', in“ A" M l Pet- ally Tuesday Len to - are: Margaret Last Bittitettortt; _ t' fun” MEMBERS ot Junior Homemaking mugging at Ellie McMillan. “ammo, and Mm'. an urns y, ava- ', grltorottplt mm” "mm" a“ " the maehtno mum cam- lock. Mrs. Hanubu ig a club lender. ,-,-rP,repfp-r/y.tt2eSec, _ the Brtnton-Petertrorottim Carpet Co. The '2Vlfd in the monarmtlng the maeloHc"uneuti Preaenied, j My”, was part of a tour whlch 8t club mem e i Mre. Harry at Buckharn. rm- l . luldenl of. the Women'l [tumult i . . H k rs M 2trlihra'e,peget unrem- ed cerurlento n " "men! to ‘ Il J umor omema e Ihe mllowlng llrll who had com- ‘ plurd'twn or more nrnjech: " As. prtgeeua-Ntrrtru,Emi Belmont: 5 Look Over Peterborough 3; r... tteii'd'Ei'i, 2'"i"/,T: l, _ _ Betrtum1;Mrr . at m . ru- 5 A dinner it the Y.W.thA. Tuesday evening was the 53%;: ervllle: |Mule Dnln Ind Donn- , light or a day spent in Peterborough by " member! 0 e mm, bulb of ernw; two pro- , Junior Homemaklng Clubs of Peterborough County. The Jects- Lum Hum“ iobelU -‘ arrtredla the any In we Kidd, Yvonne Pithtrtgtoti, Amru group t re d the Wood, Marian Syn. All n! Elli]:- marnlng and DU hum; Dora Elmhlm, Belmont; Bllvcrvmod! Platte, In the Belly Allan. Mary Cockbum. Allernoon they muted "In Quaker Gwen McKee, u“ a! "lrvior; Oat- Ca. and the BtlntorwPeter. Beverley Bennett, Dorothy Gr:- borough Ctrpet Cm ham, Jenn Kennady. Mt, Max", 1 The [Iris wereme dinner guests Il or "gl,,tt,t Doreen Brown, i " the Peterborough Feiteratiott a! _ 'tll'A'L 3'an all”; 'ie,',": ) Agriculture and the Women', In, There" rum" murmur 'fgg _ mun. uts:e!:rbomulg: 11rlt, "n Little, wln'.“ . ' I Henry up: wen an o y l Peterbnraunh Eider-Hon ot Aul- Bllnr Tau-puns. l l cullura make briefly Ind rxpreu- Mo. John Bdmlmn, Vice-pud- ed ma menu and nt the {may dent ot the Junior "tmera Mme- uan 1n the 'lrbt' club]. Intlon at Peter6oroush comm, Frank Flier-on, agricultural re- prerenlvd ullv-r teaspoon. In nah presentMrve tor Peterbtrraugh club member ter null-clown). I caunzy. cannntulnled tn club pmlon ot the IBM-52 gnu-cl of i lander. an “us work olFl'h' the and lheLI.Bho aim warm. f achieved. ed cllnr moons lo “I. club land- f err on recalulllon ot the m i may Md "Maud. l 1 Fallowlnl the dinner th. (lrlr 1 men (nun ll ll" meeting or UIQ [ ‘Junlar "rrners Annclnllon hetd [at the Nor-mu uhool. , l Club: rrpruenled from the county we": armature, Belmont. Froervtlle, PAH-view, Kane, “unlock. Ukstieid ma Wuuw.

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