. .u...w_, av. v, i 100-day school activities On Feb. 24 when l was at Zorr Highland School to hear Alex Seato portray the life of Sir John A MacDonald, our neighbour Sheil (Armstrong) Marshall, 3 teacher 2 Zorra Highland. said "Jack you wi have to come to my room we ar celebrating 100 days since" w started back to school last Septerr ber. Before I left for home. I did go i Sheila's room and her class we! busy with the 100-day activities. They were: make a name patter] make a necklace, do a five--peg 100-word story, roll the dice 10 times, pop the pop corn, build a 10( piece tower (measure how high measure how long 100 things ar do a design with 100 blocks, put tl objects in order, counting sheet, c a design use 100 stamp prints, ?r 100 words, and make a picture u ing 100 stars. n It was nice to visit your roo f I I I »_ ' ~ A Sheila and to take a picture ofyoi 100 day actlvltles at zorra school CMSS' At Zorra Highland School, on the Embro Road, recently our neighbour in Avonton, Sheila (Armstrong) Marshall had her class for one day do a 100--day activities sheet to mark 100 days since September at school. Portrays 'Sll' John,- wife . Eileen and Alex Seatbn,' of Weedstock, portrayed the life of Sir John A. MacDonald and Susan Agnes MacDonald at Zo'rra Highland public school last week. Alex was principal at Zorra for six years; Al Morris, left, his wife Debbie and Charlie Tuyten get their act together as they offer hotdogs for sale outside Zehrs during a fundraiser for the Stratford Boehmers Midget Girls softball team Saturday. The Morrises daughter Melissa, 18, is a team member as is Leah Tuyten, 17, daughter of 'chef' 'I'uyten. Funds are being raised to send the team to National Championships scheduled for Aug. 8-16 in Alberta. Staff photo