THE INGERSOLL TIMES, Wednesday, January 2], 1998 - Page 1 These smiling faces belong to Zorra Figure Skating Club's Canskate skaters who recently passed their badges at the Embro Community Centre. Back, Jessica Bereg, Kayla Harmer, Chantal Montgomery, Jason Dunlop, Mark Steen and Bryden Rutherford. Front, Alica McCall, Chantell VanRyswyck, Christine Beckett, Rikki Matthews, Masmine VandenBerge and Mariah Zinn. (Laura Green Photo) What should I bid for? the question on everyone's mind at the annual silent auction for lst Embro Scouting. Just: over 100 bidders examined and placed bids on the 200 plus donated items from businesses, friends of the scouting movement and,families involved in 1st Embro - at the Embro Legion. (Laura Green Photo) Inspired by a story The Biggest Pumpkin Ever by Steven Kroll, Mrs. Redman's Grade 1 students at Zorr' Park created their own wall hanging quilt entitled Pumpkins and Mice. Each student embroidered a sq: outline stitch. It was pleced together with a fall print by Mary Walton (left), whose granddaughter Emily he. a square. (Laura Green Photo) ?m?