The Beacon Herald/ Wednesday July 26 / 1989 Harrington party marks womank 90th birthday ' By Thelma Hiuser district correspondent HARRINGTON ---- Mary Innes, of RR 3 Embro, celebrated her 90th birthday Sunday at Broad- View United Church in Harr- ington. Her family, friends . and neighbors gathered to help cele- brate the occasion. Mrs. Innes was born July 23, 1899, in West. Zorra Township. She is the daughter of the late Adam Green and Jessie Nicholson. She had three sisters and one brother but is now the last surviving member of her family. Mrs. Innes and her husband Roy, now deceased, farmed at RR 3 Embro all their married lives until their retirement to their new home at the edge of Harrington. Mrs. Innes is a member of the Broadview United Church and United Church Women in Harr- ington. She is a charter member since 1922 of the Brooksdale Women's Institute and a life member. In the past, she enjoyed crocheting and fancy work. She Mary Innes still makes her own meals and enjoys visits with family and friends. Mrs. Innes had three sons, Mac and daughter-in-law Jackie, Robert and Ronald (both deceased), daughters-in-Iaw Jean and Joyce, 12 grandchildren and 16 grea t-grandchildren.