Anticipation Inf/7M 3 / /}'7 '1) Photo by Scott Wishart These dance students of Anne Mullen are waiting their turn to compete in the first Strat- ford Dance Festival. From left, Christy Dahms, Colleen O'Reilly and Victoria Hagarty, all of Stratford, and Christine Smith, of Embro, are four of more than 450 dancers taking part in the two--day event at the Stratford Country Club. Results of Thursday's competition Will appear in Saturday's Beacon Herald. Chrfsfim asfmu RR: E mbro SPECIAL TRIBUTE / ? 5' 7 More than 450 people gathered into the Embro Community Cen- tre. this week to pay tribute to Rev. Glen Pease. Rev. Pease retired Sunday after 24 years in the pulpit at Knox United Church in Embro. He was piped into the banquet hall by piper James Muir, also of Embro. (Staff photo by Ted Town)