3374mm Students present two trees to new Embro Seniors ?esomplex - ' EMBRO-- The students from Zorra Highland Park School took part' in a presentation held at the new senior complex in Embro recently. Two ?owering crab trees were presented by representative of the .Student Council to Cambrocourt Manor in Embro. 9 They also presented a lovely' painting done by Margaret Ross to hang in the front foyer of the building - Staff changes at Zorra Highland Park School: Mr. Ed Van Rees, vice-principal IS going to East Ox- The Beacon Herald / Saturday September 16 / 1989 Boyehmr camp _ ing to Zorra this September. ford/Swea/burg Public School as vice-principal. Mrs. Barbara Zim-' mer is going to Springbank Public School in Woodstock. Mr. Albert _Furtney is leaving Oxford County and has accepted a music position in a public school in North Bay. Three new teachers will be com-k Dave Minielly will be the vice- principal from Innerkip Central Public School. Jane Hardisty from London Will teach Grade 5. Julie Swanson from Sarnia will ' be teaching instrumental and vo_cal music. . InOctober 1986 itwas .' r uested b the ' tfrqnist Club ¥'resicg§t that the club have as ' their 1986-87 Com- .~'munity Service Proj- ect to construct an i . for seniors. . ,The Board of Direc-L "_ tors agreed to have 'committee was apartments. . An appointment was ows who had worked . "ect. From him we got ' R _ GAUFO ".I' would have to hire a consultant and do a survey to find out the need for an apart- ment. . The committee then .went back to the club .. for permission to hire : held a_ camp Friday in and Associates to .' the basement of St. An- hel with the survey ' , drew's ' Presbyterian an if the results were ' Church. The sleepover ' ' combined fun' 4 with "teaching for the choir members." Above left: ' Scott Innis, 12, of Em; . , bro follows along in his / songbook while, above - right, conductor Brian Emery enunciates 'a phrase by' sticking his tongue out. At left, after ' the hard work and be-' fore going to bed, comes _a- hot chocolate and cookie break. '- Photos by Robin Wilh'eln ' apartment complex j this considered and _a ; . out and much sup- . . formed to investigate ' - ' how other communi-V ties had built their made with Mr." Mead-- , on the Innerkip Proj? information that we' The Stratford Boychoir the firm of Gibson ' Ontario Housing to Cambrocourt Manor in the affirmative 'to help us to get the funding and get the building constructed. Also _at this time. the committee was ex-' panded to nine Opti- mist members and later- to twelve Opltli- mist members. questionaire was sent . port received from the community. . . The comrru'ttee was .. all the time lookin CE for ro r tyonwhi toug i?iety dthe Seniors Apartment. We fi- nally settled on a five acre piece of land frontin on County Road ix ' on the sou them limits of the Village of Embro.'. An option was taken on this property. Aublicmeetingwas he cl at the Commu- nity Centre to explain to the community' what we were doing. Our request to the Retirement Housing for Semors 55 6? over. Embro Optimist Board of Directors. Embro arid area Seniors Housing Corp. The Board f Directors was founded in 1 987 for the Embro Housing Project, which was completed -n Spring of1989 ' ' . _ . allow us to obtain funding for this proj- - ectwasallowedinthe 'fall of 1987. Final plans were drawn for the building by Robert '" Reimers Architects. The ten- ders were distributed and Cogent Con- struction from Hyde Park was the success- ful bidder. Construc- tion was started in the summer of 1988. Ten- ants started moving in in May 1989. To be on the list for future tenants, call Bill Mur- ray, 475-4108. Ribbon Cutting Cere- mony is at 2 p.m. on Saturday, September 9, 1989. Everyone is welcome! ' Celebration Pai?' for Cambrocourt anor will be held on Fri? day, ' September 8, 1989 at Embro Com- munity Centre. For tickets call 475-4944. Compliments of Cambrocourt Manor Picturesque countryside, south of Embro.- Embro and Area Seniors Housing Corp Huron St., Embro ' 4754533