12 The Beacon Herald / Wednesday May 3 / 1989 is . . , _ 4 p , 1 p . . _ , Say it with sticks Photo by Thelma Hiuser In a field along the Embro Road, this sign and array of 21 Charles Lupton, one of the players of- the Tavistock Braves hockey stlcks tells passersby about the 2lst birthday of Western JuniorDhockey team. ' ' A ' The Beacon Herald / Wednesday Jime '1 / 1983 _ .. . r . I, . '. a «r: 31,19 in , an fig in 9 .. _ Photos by Thelma Hiuser A bike rodeo, sponsored by the Harrington District Men's boy, Jaydelle Kelly, 3, youngest competitor, and Diane Club, was held at the Harrington Park Saturday followed by Osborn, 12, highest girl. About 45 people took part in the a barbecue and a fish derby at Mel McKay's farm. Shown are fishing. At right, Steven 1111165, 5, was one Of the fiI'St to catch the rodeo winners, from left, Aaron Van De Kemp, 7, highest a fish. {To the mansion The Mansion on the Hill. Cambrocourt Manor (Embro) apartment complex tor seniors. received donations at two flowering crabs lrorn Highland Park students Monday. School buses stopped at the complex belore classes Monday so students could participate in the tree planting ceremony with members of the Embro- West Zorra Optimists. Also presented at that time were lunds tor the purchase 01 vertical blinds - $3.000 came lrorn the Opti-Mrs club, now members at the Optimists. An additional $7.000 lor lounge furniture was donated by the Optimists. Ross and Jean Smith at Highland tours donated a grandfather clock for the lobby area. PICTURED FROM photo at left: planting one of two ?owering crabs donated by Highland Park students to Cambrocourt Manor were Christa Knudson. Grade 1. Gar Brenneman. Grade 1. and Megan Har , Grade 8. Also participating in the tree- lanting ceremony were Embro - West Zorra "pumists Bill Murray. Ross Smith and ayne McKinnon. PHOTO AT centre: Cambrocourt Manor's lounge now boasts vertical blinds and etc ant furniture. thanks to enetous donations rom Embro-West Zorra ptimists. represented by Alex Fraser. Optimist vice. resident. Anne Matheson. past restdent of t e Opti-Mrs and now an Optimis . Carol Verhoet. former 0 ti- Mrs president and now an Optimist. ob Barge, Optimist public relations officer and _ . Ra Lyndsay. an active Optimistand resident AT RIGHT: Optimist Bill Murray, chair- Cambrocourt Manor. accepted the donation Smith of Highland Tours. at ambrocourt. man of the tennant selection committee at of a grandfather clock from Jean and Ross .A__ ___s , LG / «1 , it a" .3; 31 )3 i m {Stall photos)