Dec 13 - Wellington on the Lake ACTIVITY: 11:00 - noon. “Prepare cookie plates". LUNCHEON: Betty, Pat, Marylin ROLL CALL: Sing, Say or Pay at our annual Christmas Concert hosted by Betty 8. and friends Items for our $5.00 Christmas exchange (handcrafted if possible) Bring items for “Alternatives for Womenâ€. Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year To Everyone Our next meeting which takes place on Thursday the l7th of January 2008 is, as usual in the Hillier ‘ Hall at 1:00 pm, with a roll call of "What would you buy in order to cook a l00% locally grown meal? This should be interesting as we live in such l a fertile area Our Christmas meeting was a great success with only one member paying the 25 cent ï¬ne for neither singing or saying her way to a free l meeting and meal. There was am almost full turn out. therefore lots of gifls to be exchanged. It always amazes me the gihs our members come up with and all so difl‘erent. These can range from candles, home made i preservers, Christmas items to a beautiful china cup ‘ and saucer for which the recipient w“ delighted. Everyone received a brown bag gilt, which is our custom. and they more or less look alike on the outside. The giï¬s were all well received and much appreciated ‘ Our meal was lasagna~ followed by the cookies (biscuits) lefl over from the assortment brought by the members which are giï¬ed in boxes to shut ins Our meeting ï¬nished with the singing of "We Wish You A Merry Christmas". Show was falling heavily lay this time therefore the meeting did not go on much later into the aflemoon. The quilt which the members made at the lasl meeting is being donated to the Wellington Food Bank to be gilted to a local family. ltems were also brouytt for the Literacy program and other goods were brought for Altemalrves For Women. All of the above items have now been delivered to the ‘ appropriate ofï¬ces for distribution. ‘ Our deepest sympathy goes Io Bemioe who lost her l husband last week. : ‘ We were delighted to hear the Carole Harrison‘s niece made it through to playing for Canada We t donated some ï¬nancial support last month to this ‘ great teenager Well Done, . B K MaeKellar PRO, December 2007