Aug. 16 - Hillier Hall - 12:30 pm Business Meeting 12:30 - 1:30 ROLL CALL: What is your favourite scent and why? ACTIVITY: Tour, talk tea at The Lavender Farm B.B. Pat Van Kregten hosting Sept. 20 - Hillier Hall - 1:00 pm Business Meeting 1:00 - 2:00 pm ROLL CALL: Pet Peeve at retail stores Tea Time : 2:00 - 2:30 pm Grace, Carolyn, Lorraine, Catherine ACTIVITY: Painting with help Brenda hosting CHEERS! from mem- bers of the Hillier W1. to Rolando†1331an and Derek Ryles, of the Lavender Farm BB, who hosted a recent tour. PRO Rebecca MacKellar notes they leamed that if you plant lavender, ï¬eld animals will not eat the other plants, They were served tea, juice, mufï¬ns and biscuits â€" all made with lavender. At their recent meet- ing, roll call was ‘What is your favourite scent’ and replies ran from fresh flowers, rain- drenched air, spices (including garlic) and new baby smell. Sept. 20 is the next meeting, at] p.111. in the Hillier Hall. New mem- bers are welcome. â€unify new: 67'5‘7‘97