Mrs Mrs Mrs Ms Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs "106m berg Wellington \10 I Q00@ 3:; gangon 214 Wellington Main Wellington Ont KOK 3L0 613 399 1528 Betty Ctr" i: :82 Gilead Rd R R # 2 Bloomï¬eld Ont KOK 100 613 399 2388 Gail Eng/1v th 5 f # 2 Bloomfield Ont KOK 1GO613 399 3035 Doris Fostero R [gages Ave BOX 3253 Picton Ont KOK 2T0 613 476 2427 Honey Kin 1 H b2 . Bloomfield Ont KOK 100 613 399 2124 pame,a “me . 13 at Gun/new Cr Wellington Ont KOK 3L0 613 399 2462 Wilma M 8 air 7 West Wlnd Cres Wellington Ont KOK 3L0 613 399 3883 Margaret Qï¬inï¬gg SglFMa'“ St Apt #1 Wellington Ont KOK 3L0 613 399 1079 Laura Shar e 55 MrSt'AVe Wellington Ont KOK 3L0 613 399 2959 Anne Trantp 285 halp 6 St Wellington Ont KOK 3L0 613 399 2065 Iris Walker 115 W°Xen .AVe Wellington Ont KOK 3L0 613 399 2476 Diane Wenn R R #2esmmd Cr- Box 550 Wellington Ont KOK 3L0 613 399 3749 Sue Wilson 136 M ' S DemorestvOnt KOK 1W0613 476 8112 Pauline Winkle 321 Ma!†tSouth Brampton Ont L6W 209 905 456 5780 a'†St Apt #2 Wellington Ont KOK 3L0 613 399 1697 CELEBRATE WOMEN’S INSTITUTE IN FEBRUARY In honour of Women’s stitute month, Bellevilie Public Library has invited the Hastingsâ€"Prince Edward Districts to participate in their weekly Brown Bag Lunch Series, Feb. 22, 2006 in the Bellevilie Public Library Art Gallery 12:15 p. m. Members will give a presentation on the Women’s Institute or anization from early beginnings (1897) to the , aoo 5’ /O7 ,, present andgideas on their future. 6‘3 AV Crook G‘m‘il ellswortt THS w0\k€i‘ (“Naomi G)†i ““ {L H L) ‘/ Please plan to come. Find out what Women’s Institutes branch membership is all about. The Prince Edward disâ€" trict’s seven branches will celebrate by quietly and 6111- ciently going about their business seeking out needs in their community and ï¬nding ways in which to help. Be a guest this month to see how you can help meet your needs and the community’s needs and to have a powerful voice in local, national, and international issues. Share fun and friendship at regular meetings. V A v181t With a local branch will prove to be a most rewarding experience, looking to the future focusing on ’ , _ ram . - assist and encoura e wom edgeable and active ciizens en to become more knowl- - promote and develop integral family life skills - discover, stimulate and develop leadership - identify and resolve diverse needs in communities - have fun and friendship Your local branch representative is only a telephone call away. Cherry Valley 476-7217, Consecon 392- 0652, Demorestville 476-9180 Hillier 399-2474 Mountain View 968-3320, Rednersville 968-9402, Wellington 399-3749. ’ Women’s institute membership in Prince Edward County is on the rise and we feel there is a need for a Picton branch. Watch for an informational meeting in the spring or contact Evelyn Peck 968â€"9402, Margaret Squibb at 476-7217, or Joyce Brown, PRO, Prince Edward District, Women’s Institute at 392â€"9899. / , /. [WL L 0.5 M Li I R JOYCE BROWN, Consecorz \ l