{Hit By Peggy McLeod Recently, I visited Prince Edward County where I spoke at a Hillier Women's Institute meeting about a number of topics. including the ~lWeedsmuir Manual. autobiographies of members, District competitions for Tweedsmuir Histories and Grand» mothers Legactes Pat Van Kregten is the Tweedsmuir History Curator for the Hillier Branch She and her husband lim volunteer at the library in Picton The librarians ap- proached Pat wondering If the Branch Needsmuu Histories could be put on compact discs Pat agreed to have this done A grant was obtained to have students help With the task during the summer months Each page of Hillier WI, Prince Edward, Trent Valley Area Last November, this Branch held their Annual Quilting Bee This event has been a tradition for many years The quilt is donated to the Children’s Aid Society it is a great social time with lots of laughter Shown from left to right in the back row are Grace Clements, Phyllis Wright, lean Alexander, Pat VanKregton, Lorena Bestr loan Priestman, Mariorie Darling and Carrolle Wright in the front row from left to right are Merle Evans, Mabel Wright, Ruth Crawford, Joanne Van Der Wyst and Betty Stapleton. Submitted by Rebetca MacKellar, PRO, Hillier Wi and Prince Edward District â€â€4 I 7 ‘ â€MM." a - 39mm“. the Tweedsmutr Books was scanned. including photographs The only expense to the Hillier W] was the cost of the discs My hostess, Trent Valley Area PRO loyce Brown standing], took me seatedi to the Picton Library where we met 3at and her husband Thelibrarianshowed me he Weedsmuirs that wad been transferred to disc They demonstrate ed how the pages were scanned and how the rim could be enlarged or easier reading What a marvelous way to store our Tweedsmuir History Books for easy access and reading! Why not ask your ibrary if they would be willing to help you with such a protect 1/ Peggy McLeod is the FWiOTVveedsmuir Coordinator She can be reached at Box 385, Cobden ON KOl 1K0 Phone. 613646-2415 Fax, 613â€"646-21 17 Email mmcleod@webhart,net 1151-06 ., tiny/72y be,ML/Jufvrr: 11L.â€"