MARCH 18 - 1:00 To 2:30 RM. 1% Hollow Rd. Home of Carroll: Wright TOPIC: Meeting mime/2 H/iAA ROLL CALL: Discuss the upcoming 2005 Pot Luck Supper HOSTESS: Canolle Wright Volunteer hours Hillier WI News By Rebeeca MucKellur Special to the Gazette The next Hillier W.l. meeting which takes place on April [5111 in the Hillier Hull ill 1:00pm is to vote on and arrange the events for the ne\t IZ months. It would he wonderful if ‘dll members attended this meeting, It you tire inter, exted in whtit we tire doing over the next yetir please come LIlUllg tor forever hold youi peace). The meeting which was held on the lé<1h of Murch W315 well attended and pro- ductive Our potluck supper which is always u big hit did not disappoint :inyune this pair either. The food \tus over tlowme us usuul with sev- eral dishes to choose from, desserts rivaled ziny lst 's baker's establishment rind iill free to the invited guests tmd iiiemhers who attended this fundraiser. A big heart tell thank you to l.en Smith the ante- tioneei' who mtikes the whole eveningt u fun ï¬lled e\ent. I'lll\lll:_l it lurge amount of cash. which the WI reimests into the enm- llllll'lll}‘. ()iir tlil)‘ \lztl‘h early. iis \CVCILtl meniheis are at the httll l'or L)zim. Mary and Brendzi net tihout decorub ing the hull with some interesting aprons rind lL‘Zl towels 'l'lirse JLllH’lllllL‘llIb came I'iom all around the world: some had cute sayâ€" ings on lllCllli sevcrul had recipes. then: \tere hirds ttlltl t'lowcix of all shapes, \l7C\ llllll colour, Bill [ must \u) the morning \\;l\ llir from u quiet collcc morning. in Int we did not men get uttered eottec ltim \iiit- there was less contusion. noise iind ll‘ll\llil|]\ \xhen the sirens screamed .iciim the skies 01‘ Britain during the hlitz \then people were serum- hlll‘lg lui lheii li\es. But like the uni ll all come right in the end. ()tir supper is so \\e|| :itteiided and looked l'oiitiird to euch year [am sure ll will go on {or \t.‘\t‘ltll _\ctir~ to come, contusion oi not MARCH 25 - 6:00 PM, Hillier Hall TOPIC: Annual Pot Luck Supper to entertain our families. municipal workers and friends DINNER: Pot Luck - all members PLANNING COMMITTEE: chair Nina Hilton COMMITTEE: Joyce Brown, Mary Darlington, Carole Harrison, Brenda Dunlay. Joanne VanDchyst. LeeAnn Scammell, Rebecca HOSTESS: Wil. Members Volunteer hours We \toiild lll\€ to thank fl\CI'-\t>nt‘ \\l\0 took pttrt, tor the tlttllillltllh to the iitietioii tind the people who purticiptiled In the bidding; “illitttll them us could not hold ll]l\ Iiindrtiiser Lind therefore it oiild not he ttble to help out Ill the commu- nit_\'. l do not want to forget to sit) the lug ‘llitink You; to the ltlL‘llll‘Ieh who cook leltl huke eut‘h )t‘tir tor this ext-m. zi|~o to those who give so willingly of their time making arrangements zilioui the tood supply, get- ting ii there on time keep- ing 1 mum and serving it. The team letider this )‘eiir \\’.1\ Nina Hilton and she did .i nondert‘ul job gettingy tis till organized Lllld on the hull. bill this retilly \Hh team effort and all Ninu'~ little helpers twhither the) be little or lurge) th’L’ to he commend- ed for their et't'nrtï¬. “C “are sorry to hear See News page 10 fa" News from page 8 ot‘ the death oi‘ Betty Alyea. Betty was {I long time member and ‘juskt recently litid been made :1 life time member. We were saddened to hear 01' the death of Luis Conley‘s mother. Although Lois's mother w-s not a member of our WI she was well known to mun) of the long time members. Our sympathiex tire e\tended to both of these tiiiiiilies. Look l'nrvtzii'd to seeing you till til our April meet- night: (Luz/T; yerâ€"by CHEERS! from Hillier WI. members, to Len Smith. auctioneer. who joined in on the group's delicious pot luck supper and helped raise a large amount of cash the group Will reinvest into the cum- mtinity. CHEERS! also, to those who took pzin and iii those who so willingly mvt- of their time, making arrangements {or food, get- ting it there on time. keep- ing it warm and sewing. Team leader Nina Hilton was congratulated on a \\'0t‘tclt‘l'll.ll Job in a team effort With her many helpers. The next meeting will be April 15 in the Hillier Hall at 1 pm. Plans for the yw will be discussed.