DEC. 18 - 11:00 PM. Wellington On The Lake, Community Centre TOPIC: Prepare cookie plates, social time and exchange hand made giï¬ ROLL CALL: Sing, Say, or Pay (special requestlLUNCH and HOSTESS (committee) .loan Priestman. Betty Stapleton, Pat VanKregten lrene Smith. Marylin Rennie Volunteer hours /;L Hillier W.I. Bi' Rebecca Mack's/I117 Our nc\t regular meeting \Hil be held on January 15'“ in Hillier Hall at ll) 30 am. Please note (ht change of time. This is a decorating lips class, so bring silk flowers. ribbons or other craï¬ items il’you happen to have some you are not using at the mo- mcnt. please. You are also asked to bring a brown bag lunch with you. Our roll call for the l5m is “Decorating Tips" that you would like to share with the rest of us Our December meeting was held as usual in tlie Wellingtonâ€"on-ihe-Lakc Community Centre. At this mtcllng we do our cookies for the shill-ins l‘olluucd by a hearty lunch presented by the lallls’: who live in Wellington: See Page 5.... [lg Hillier W.I. News From Page 4 0n-lllC-Lllkt3. Our gifl ex- change is always a very pleasant time With a showing around or our gifts to everyone. This year our roll call of sing, say or pay was a riot at times Some Christmas readings. some other readings were provoking homegrown poems even one in "part" Spanish plus other sayings and delight- l'ul poems. Only a few had to pay. Maybe next year no one will be paying. that would be more fun. Ruth read from the Tweedsmuir history. a story referring to her gmndpareni‘s wedding. This was very interesting Wllll mention of her grandmother's maiden name and the names ofher children. The names of Ruth's generation were also included. It was great to hear such history by someone who remembers everyone in the story. Joyce brought along a singing come dancing toy. which was entertaining, We were sorry not all our members could participate With us in this year's fun day but just to let them know. we were thinking of them, We look forward to Seeing you in the New Year