> "W 1’ ’ n) '. A2005.033.001 \ aéiij Demorestviile Women's Institute Scrapbook County of Prince Edward Archives MRS. ADELAIDE HOODLESS * F5000 WootenrMeetr'ng inG'zlzrelpizh r ' T a Mark Institute ’3 501% Year“; A historicalvpageant depicting the f i Guelph, June‘lsâ€"Mogetth n > ‘ owth of the institutes was preé women are meeting'he’re‘r'tdd ‘ the 50m anniversary celebration of sented. "3' Ithe Women's Institutes of Ontario, > In a message of congratulations ‘a rural organization 'fo'unded inilfrel: Majesty, Qtfzete: Eéitzahethcsaia}; i“ e opening 0 e onFY ree Stoney CIEEk by a small group Of'Women’s Institute in 1897 is a land. [women on the inspiration of Mrs. mark in the history of rural life iAdelaide Hunter Headless and‘ and I know of the thankfulneSS of {which has grown into an interna-imy fellow members for PM" 1’“ tional organization with hundreds stitutes. Besides those In Great i of thousands of members Britain, I have lately seemmembers 1 Many of the pioneer women lead- in South Africa and Rhodesta .51" {era are attending and guests in- joying the opportunities for “â€1“, wind .Lieuthovernor Ray Lawson, mutual help. education . and fun iPz'e 1e: Drew and Chancellor which membership brings “3(5- George _P. Gilmour of McMaster which we owe torthe 5W“??? Cream Univarsny. women." ‘*~ ' . u « are? " 3‘ l’Canadian farmers’ wives met in a 'small Ontario village 52 years ago to swap jam and jelly recipes, little ‘realmng they were starting a lworld-wide asso’ciation. But the little meeting at Stoney Creek was the foundation of a vast organiza- tion now known as the Associated Country Women of the World. with 'a membership of 5,500,000. 1+ 2+ he _\ World-Wide Jam . . . A hundred - I