EARLY TRANSPORTATION Gerald Young in front of Centre Church about 1920. This is the horse and rig that Annie Hancock (later Young) drove up to the school every day to get the mail. Donated by Mrs. Elmer Young L,,1r! 171‘ ,11111, 1-,o, -11 _,,-1., 111,14 Horse and buggy circa 1921+ _ _ Muriel Moran, Seldon Way, Marjorie Wood, Cecil Wood. Donated by Mrs. Eldon Adams Herb Pulver with horse and buggy in front of Pulver barn. Melvin standing, Arza and ~.Jinston in back of buggy. Donated by NR5. Winston Pulver Stanton Fox's car in early l9l0's Stanton at the wheel; admiring car are Ray and Lottie Fox and Mrs. Lont. Donated by Mrs. Ken Green, 1976 “MthDWHMAmu ‘r license its-motor