in: Tweedsmuir History is always available to those Wisniug DU see Old Looks, papers, etc., are to be turned over to the local museum Erogrums of the lOth--20th years, etc, could be entered. Eor ezo.oo to $30.00, a family history can be traced by the lenealogioal Society, London. England. hand-drawn if possible, of the district COVered ry the Rook. ourator sets the goal, then she divides the area for each ,r committee to cover. nd white snapshots preferred to colored ones. U nthel Fowlor .‘Jillow Run W.I . Curator. :0 two tooxs should he alike, let your imagin&tion go, have '11. $119 ‘1. LIAQ ‘1 L113 possiblco glam, and go to it. he ï¬nhual is a guide, not a set of rules. L9 first page should state who donated or designed the cover, he second page should state that:fThis book and tho contents re the sole proporty of the --------- -â€"---â€"- ofmthe W.I. (name of Brunch) he Tweedsmuir History is always available to those wishing to see. 1a 1nnks. naoers. etc.. are to be turnod over to the local museum. pussLULBo The Curator is an OFFICER. A mumbor thould hold only on. office ----- --thore are other “@018. , Propared by 31;. Errol Baa. Curator n,a.1, Chatasu Blondcau. Ontario. July 16/65. NOTES FOR GURATORS “'May 9 1965 o