Winona WI Tweedsmuir Community History, Volume 2 1933-1941
- Publication
- Tweedsmuir Community History Collections (Stoney Creek, ON), [1933]-[1941]
- Créateur
- Winona Women's Institute, Creator
- Médias
- Text
- Type d'élément
- Scrapbooks
- Description
- - Envelope from Winona Beach Inn
- Booklet about Winona Park Hotel
- Newspaper clippings about Rev. H.A. West being transferred out of St. John’s Church in Winona and Rev. D. H. Maclennan transferred into St. John’s Church in Winona, 1930
- Rev. J.W. Hunt transfers to a new church, 1931
- 50th wedding anniversary notice for Mr. and Mrs. John George White, 1933
- Senior Softball Champions for 1933 season, Hindoo Koosh Softball Team
- Stoney Creek softball team wins Grimsby District league, 1935
- Photo of the Wright Brothers, whose orchestra was broadcast nightly
- Veterans in Sport: R.S. Martin, 1936
- Photo of Stoney Creek baseball team, 1936
- Photo of E.D. Smith placing a wreath at the Saltfleet War Memorial
- Photo of E.D. Smith in honour of his 81st birthday, 1936
- Marriage announcement and invitation to wedding of Margaret Minnis and Mr. Lewis Edgar Hurst
- Diagram showing construction of partial cloverleaf at the intersection of the Beach highway with the Middle Road, 1937
- Group photo of archdeanery meeting, 1938
- Photo of Saltfleet high school relay team and track and field with plaques, 1938
- Blossom Queen group photo, 1938
- Wedding announcement of Miss Anne Ross and Mr. Robert Hamilton, 1938
- Photos of Major G. Homer Carpenter, Lieut,-Col. R.F. Inch, M.C., and Major F.I. Carpenter, V.D., 1935
- Engagement and wedding notice for Joan Johnson and James Hodgson, 1938
- Article, “Abe Hand, Winona, Veteran Fisherman, Died Suddenly,” 1939
- Birth Announcement for Mr. and Mrs. P.T. Preston
- Obituaries for Mrs. Margaret Kelson
- Photo of Jean Gray being crowned “Queen of the Blossoms,” 1939
- Wedding notice of Helen Armour to Frederick Colebrook, 1938
- Newspaper notice, “We Join in Canada’s Welcome to our King and Queen,” 1939
- Photo of Winona public school baseball team with the George Bethune trophy, 1939
- Photo of eleven Winona soldiers attending a farewell party, 1940
- Blossom Queen photograph, 1940
- Various notices about soldiers leaving to enlist in the War, 1940
- Wedding notice for Helen Duncan and Alfred Fisher, 1940
- Wedding notice for Hazel Grills and Roger Gray, 1940
- Various notices of job promotions and elections to committees and public offices
- Obituary for Mrs. Myrth Odessa Beckett Smith
- Marriage Notices: Martin-Jess, Young-Kelson
- Ontario Hockey Association Championship in Grimsby, 1940
- Obituary for Mrs. Percy Preston
- Engagement and Wedding notices for Clattenburg-Falloon, 1940
- A.A. Smith is appointed as commander of the 4th Infantry Brigade (Armand Smith, son of E.D. Smith)
- Wedding announcement for Thomas-Carpenter
- Obituary for Mrs. Charles J. Wilson
- Article, “R.S. Martin Dies; Great Career as Sportsman Ends,” 1940
- 85th Birthday announcement for E.D. Smith, 1940
- Group photo of the 102nd (Wentworth) Field Battery, R.C.A., 1939
- Obituary for Mrs. W.B. Cronin, John Hall, Arthur Jones, 1939
- Photo of Maj.-Gen. A.G.L. McNaughton inspecting the men of the Ambulance Corps, 1939
- Photos of a fire at the home of Frank Tobin, 1939
- Article about Armand A. Smith, son of E.D. Smith
- George “Dad” Graham is killed in an accident, 1939
- Photo of Fruit Growers’ convention, 1940
- Photo of Winona Red Cross workers knitting and sewing socks, mitts, pyjamas, etc., 1940
- Wedding Announcement of Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Ross Dunkin
- James E. Henry death announcement, 1937
- Fred B. Henry death announcement
- John H. Basley death announcement, 1937
- Wedding announcements for Hunt-Smith, Preston-Smith, and Mr. and Mrs. Francis Fletcher
- Local residents Lieut. A. Cameron Grant, Mr. and Mrs. Lew Hurst have opportunities in showbusiness, 1943
- Engagement, Shower, and Wedding announcements for Baisley-Sheppard wedding
- 50th wedding announcement of Mr. and Mrs. H.W. Cox, 1938
- Photos of opening of Hamilton Lions Club Camp, 1938
- Cast photo of Winona Players, 1939
- Advertisement for Winona Country Club, 1939
- Photo of Hamilton soldiers in England, 1940
- Cast photo of Winona Players, 1940
- Article, “Rifle Ranges Rapidly Being Constructed”
- Death notice for William Richmond and Robert F. Macfarlane 1939
- 56th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. John. G. White, 1939
- Death notice for Dr. Clendenan, 1939
- Article and photos, “Bank at Winona Suffers Hold-Up by Lone Gunman,” 1940
- Engagement notice for Edith Beatrice Doolittle and Mr. Douglas Stuart Watson, 1940
- Photo, “Veterans Observe Vimy Unveiling,” 1940
- Article, “Beach Supper Swells Funds,” 1940
- Photo of The Church of the Good Shepherd, Anglican, on Barton Street in Saltfleet
- Death notice of William Baisley
- Wedding notices for Hand-Beckett; Boettger-Hamilton, Glover-Smith, Lomas-Maloney 1940
- Death notice of Mrs. T.H.P. Carpenter, 1940
- Photos of Winona Hockey Team
- Profile of Constable Donald Ferguson, 1941
- Wedding announcement of Sergt. A. Scholfield Hatherley and his bride, Anne Walker, 1941
- Photo of Junior Red Cross Workers (Bright Idea, Helpers’ and Sunny Helpers’ Branches), 1941
- Portrait of Frederick P. Gavin and portraits of First Staff of the Ontario Training College for Technical Teachers - Date de l'original
- [1933]-[1941]
- Sujet(s)
- Identifiant local
- 2004.005.001
- Langage de l'élément
- English
- Couverture géographique
Ontario, Canada
Latitude: 43.20011 Longitude: -79.64962
- Licence de Creative Commons
- [lisez plus]
- Déclaration de droit d'auteur
- Protected by copyright: Uses other than research or private study require the permission of the rightsholder(s). Responsibility for obtaining permissions and for any use rests exclusively with the user.
- Détenteur du droit d'auteur
- Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario (FWIO)
- Emplacement d'original
- Erland Lee (Museum) Home
- Conditions d'utilisation
- For commercial use, please contact copyright holder for permission and details
- Notes de reproduction
- Contact the holder of the original. If the book is in a member's home, please contact the copyright holder.
- Contacter
- Federated Women's Institutes of
Adresse Internet:
Adresse postale d'agence552 Ridge Road
Stoney Creek, ON L8J 2Y6