fawn i I . x ism-m ' A 1 n: 6 Saltfleet. _ , 1565 Years,Wed_3 5 YEARS--At-theirrhome in 'Stoney Creek, Mr; and a Mrs. R. E. Glover observed theirfifith wedding anniversary ' at a family party last Sunday, when three of their foul Ichildren were lived in this district, all their lives, both being-born i1? "1""? 28, celebrated the occasion at a ,gwere;born in Salifleet, but Mr. gGlover livedVin Gianford until 13" years of age; when his family and they weramarried by Rev. J. present. 'The much-esteemed couple have i . 5' District j ' .' Mr. and Mrs. R. E. (Gibverl mar- ried 65 yearsylast Saturday, June familygathering an Sunday; at their home at Stoney Creek. Both moved to the farm where he new resides. Mrs. Glover, before her marriage, was Ida Jane Nichclson, Adams of the Trinity Church pir- _cuit. They have four children: 7 crime E1, of Montreal; Arthur: f Stoney Creek; Mrs. Mary Vg anderson, at home; 313d, j'Mrs.» '1, Ernest PottmffLOf Paris, Ontario. ' There are 14 grandchildren and ' even great grandchildreni' ' >