9 growing menace of the submarine blockade, and in their common purpose the old social barriers were beginning to crumble. Into this moment of crisis came Mrs. Alfred Watt, a woman of missionary zeal, who had watched the birth and growth of the \Vomen's Institute move-- ment in Canada and was convinced that the same movement was needed in rural England. Hers was a character hard to deflect from its purpose and on September I 1th 1915 a band of courageous women, infected with her enthusiasm and with the blessing and support of the Board of Agriculture, started the first Women's Institute in the British Isles, at a meeting in a small creeper-smothered garden--room at Llanfairpwll in Anglesey. Left/Above -- T/Je fire! member: of flu firn' U71. ['11 Britain, L/a/gfair/nfl/l Aug/erg. Below/Aft,-- C/Jzzirwe/I: T/Je Lag/y Den/1m", D.B.E., 1917-- 1946. left to rig/J! ~ T/Je Con/Item (f A/beI/mr/e, D.B.E., 1946-19fl. Lady Bram/er, ].P., 19)?-- 19;6. Larbr D_yer,].P., 19;6-1961. All'!. C. L. S. Pfke,].P., Iflfln Above -- T/Je fmf oflzeri af Sta/9' Creehfomzder I'm/itIr/e of l/Je 117.1. movement, viii/J f/Je firs! :peaker and reader of a paper. Be/wp/kjfl' fa rilgbf -- Founder: ADI. Alfred IVm't, ALA" ALBE. General Sen-elm'ier: [Mm Inez Fag/um; (Mir. Jellkim, C .B.E.), 1919-1929. The Hot}. Dame Frame; Farrer, D.B.E., 1929-19 )7. Mix: Alien/1 King, Lay».