th ‘city hall. New 333‘) I: just the latest in a serieska people to come before council \vi bicycle recommendations, and city officials admit that only token ac- commodation has been made to a bicycling community whose pi portions and importance. they be in serious doubt. " Kirk, a 36-year old cominunit lions consultant and hack- aruund" cyclist, delved into cycling . issues. as a member of the citys sat'ety subcommittee, He persiiad- . ed the environment and tramp ‘ tation committee to authorize tor- . matiou of a bicycle stuuy.‘ committee of police. educators. city ofï¬cials. cyclistsrand the public. Kirk's group hppes to report to council by the end ofJiine. tracmga See BIKES A6 . er a a e “‘5 I: m a a: s o 5' a By Nick Manin London can be an uni‘rit-ndly Eli) for two wheels V Poivhnles. narrow sireets. hostile , .. . “.125. drl\'t‘r>, hnLquOLI: semi gin ' less \l‘dn'lr‘l'ethL‘ t .siiigs.tiglit Eel. iiil (ï¬zzy W‘nlan‘s‘chairma“ min: lanes and \‘ll1ilall)'ll|li esia [7 :‘ltï¬zigéahmnmgm am“ “bunâ€? lislvd \OH‘C at t'|1_\' hzil can a _ > E» bm d maize it ‘iiiadi'entui‘r fortlie person m mobm A ‘ who tn ~cl s in London by thou-e bv people Who regularly and dim; gerousl) break trul‘iic laws on whose numbers tire too sniall‘to warrantihe expenditure ofaiiy sig- nii‘icaiit amount of piihlic iiioiity. Kirk and other pro-bicycle actu- ists argue there is a rapidly grownig iiuiitbér of Londoners cycling iin City streets t'nr recreation. exerrise and ham transportation who must \' officials such as birycle-l'riendli \. " sais Date Kirk, chairman of an (l hoi' bicycle study committee preparing a cumprelimisirc report [or cut council that could contain recomhu'iidaiioiis i'or major road- iiai improvements and tho hiring oi'ti illilrlllll? inuiiictpol bicycling policj. cii-ordiiizitoi' 7 4i. ,-- DAVE KlRK' We re not a -irv€lldl‘/ City / Christ Church, Glanworth Mu rks 100th Anniversary E} Peggy Shore Last Sunda). September 27. a special sen ice took place at Christ Church Glanworlli. on the occur sion at the tooth Anniversary oi the opening of the present building Itwas also the Annual Harvest Home . Festival. a tradition of giving; |huiiks for a bountiful harvest. i The Rt Rev Arthur Brown, a‘ Suilragan Bishop of the Diocese oi“ Toronto. a former rector was the Guest Speaker He riacalled happy i memories of his time in the parish. . Some 34 years ago, Mr JOhnlly‘ Stevens was guest solist. accomw panied by the organi. Mrs ‘. Margaret McDowell He lighted ct eryune with his truly lovely sing; ‘ ing of tour fax ourites 4 “Amazmg ‘ Grace" ‘ Just A Closer Walk With ; Thee . How Great Thou Art" 3 and "Bless This House" l Foilowmg the Service. an Any i niversary Dinner was served by the ladies of the church in the parish hall, it was a great day that l we will long rcmemher. vain W ont sel Former MP Harry White i dies at+92L 7- \ , Harry *0 [\Vhite.’ \Vles(n'{inslt’r Township farmer-bee keeper and a Progressne Conservatn e. who held the old federal riding of Middlcsox East for 17 years. died Friday in St. ThomasAElgin'Ge‘neral Hospital, He was 92 He is survived by his wife. Dolly Pearl Both have been livmg at Elv gin Manor in St. Thomas. White held the riding from 1945 to 1962 and was never defeated. lie was a member orihe Commons' exr ternal all‘airs committee and once created a controversy because he criticized Lester Pearson's winning of tho Nobel Peace Prize. White said Pearson. who later became prime minister. had Sided with the Communist bloc during his United Nations voting Funeral will be Monday at 11 H m. a't Christ Anglican Church iuGlan: worth. Cremation and burial with be in tlic church cemetery. Visitae . tioii is Sunday at the Mcl-‘alrlane . and nobons Funeral Home Ltd. on Lambeth. ls â€_â€"â€"â€"-â€"- “try 0. mm, Former MPP Pun: Army ln 93rd Vour' Harry 0. White of Glanwot'th, Member of Parliament for Mid- dlesex East from 1945 (0-1963 passed away on Friday, September 4, 1937. at the St. Thomas Elgin General Hospital. in his 93rd year. He is survived by his wife Pearl iPage) White; daughter Mrs. Don (Dorothy) Johnston oi“ Lamheth, sons Bill and Allan. both at Glanworth'. brother Mrs. Olive Roberton of London; 9 grand» children and 15 great,- grandchildren Funeral serwces were con ducted on Monday. September 7. 1987,1rom McFarlane and Roberts Funeral Home. Lamhetji. with Rev. EJ. Humphrey officiating. Interment in Christ Church Cemetery. fâ€"_d for new warehouse busineSs .7 partly inYarmouth Township. ‘ Negotiations between the village and the township have resulted in an agreement to bring that 15.25 acre‘ portion of township property iiito-tlie. village. » f m. the same'timefla a‘e jaguar g‘m BELMONT Istai’t'I-Village L‘otï¬il has inund a buyer for the old Borden Plant A group of three London. Ont . men has purchased the old factory at an unknown price. from the villagc to use [or warehousing. Lloyd Boughner, owner of CBS Emu ent Limited. London said he ané‘jis CBS partner Bill Cruden. and Kent-i Feliner, a partner in London' Although the new warehousing op- eration does not start full swing until Friday, Mr. Boughner said they are actively looking (or clients. He noted that the expansive freezers at the fa- cility could be bruu ht back into op- eration to provide co (1 storage. There was no word on the number at jobs which the new business could create. Coors ï¬gï¬gxasae: a deal for As fl pm of the mewerdegl' the 4. - ' .-‘ village has also arranged bring the , ' - entire Borde prop'drty ( g uccssiul venltflteg‘ villagerhouodanes iiu‘ was eventually taken over by 9°