\/ I_â€"â€"- â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" I---- â€"â€"â€"= Bruce, and reurewnlhblvc men rro Many. q m. l ‘ _m manila ln‘evcry ii! A- axgmy ot-Alwrander. a l « l r ’Lihorhi organizer.†an .3 Sell ee _ ml. clouded? an: . i meant] uted‘ ‘ t . :d hy. v. , in, wild ddflvsted 1 at d i 1 on W y .11 DVB‘ DI and. ends, betan he too up thd'atudy a: law : IlLargcly Attends ‘ I B - LI, and Rev. D111, M :3: re- i A: ' ' r, men and women whges ‘ hmflflfl 001 under Mr. Smith of or, iwm present to do beam to thkel memory or“ their {qpner‘ school-lami im ‘ ‘1‘ . Wm‘flrmtmnrmmus. r maul ill-lb jfracwers numerou: In .besumul an, .iuded baskets {to ‘Prumlar mth King And Hon Jamel; mould-l1 minister of trade uh comm“. .lr â€" Commlrre: Hon. Charles Murphy, Au'lbng the crust maurilara war 11“ Miss Annie nugsld Smith. hmthcr. cx-rasve o saurseh it- others W‘mludï¬d £10m °‘ 31nd ¢Olnm w; Sandbar . J a Spence. or. iEenator the Rt. on George P. Grimm. These men. rep: Jame: ‘micglm, minister '01’ .thd resenting the Dominion governmentue: salad in pill-bearer: togethéx wit Smith. a sister. Il'l ax. to 01 al- atâ€" -uhe Kirk Cameron. Montreal, an intimate__ friend a! Mr. Smith, and C. M. BOW- mall. inrmcr member or parliament for Southampton. Others present were: Hun. Duncan Masha]; WelllnBMrl'I-hicï¬ member DI parlilmenb {or “Drill ‘ wellington: Watson sellers. secretary to Hum James Robb: H. E. ,M. the department or crud meme; Ross MunrD. Tmnlu. A. l? lvfawhinrley. MLA. ler North Bruce' ‘W. P. Teller. iormer member a! par liel'neni lor North Giuyi Di, w A Ball. member: of parliament for SOUL m.» municipality in Bruce counLy The body was EOEVEyLd hem om we Friday in a epoclul out w'. ch scrâ€" tied it numb»..â€" of lntlmhw friends Mi Mr. Sinlth. ' culled llll tumor hem. ' Saturday my knsw m . ~ or“ irshouid iii-isn'ng who“. it it lord, «lull Mr, umith i's sisn Ilfl'flvï¬ by ll! Elem Mlle chrir ' tins sum . t cum. Ind Mics Ea a sml i'PerUl. ' av. Dr. John‘ W. ZWondrliia and ,Rav. (i. ii. Elllelvnti'lek. pastor: at Changer: tinned Church, or which‘Mr. slum. Wu a number, ioouductad Ihrhimyle hut dee ly mvreaaive tuner-ll service. r. Woodallle rud Qlle Surinlura and MI. Kllylm‘lok' look the prhyet. Mr. smith’atuuwervinx loyalty and isladi aud mam were «munch slmd by r. llgati‘lck. W‘lm re- Hi was one-M o lavald hln urn Iwhn H. mm... ¢§F t on Ii on their hahslr. 7- x . Misuse nutllui norm-s were “halved 1mm Mlle Puma Mluiwler and many terminations. including County «ti Gui-ion Law helical» tidh. Laurentiau Cluh. the Emmi Ontario when] Association. uh via Liberal Worn-o'- Ouh. the [lava immoral Amoiatlan, the Parliamentary Pres. Gallery, Nat- lmul FadeMMi‘m at Bibbi‘al Woman, circle No. 4: Chalmers church, Nam?!“ Lillbral .orgtnlzatlin committee, Ontxrlo lelral Also- aiiunu. in adflilion many heauiilul wrentlls' were recélvod train rilen prominent In the politicei. social. Erufesllbnll and businuss llfe 02 aneda. The remain. were taken to Part Elsln lass nigh: tor burial ihore unem’ash sl 2.30 phi. H. E.' M. Ch‘iholm. imlmeie friend at Mr. Smith. and Wlmlm Johnston. his law val-titer, accom- puiin the remain: along with iloh. James Malcol . Mlnlstar oi Trade and Commerc C. L. Mc- Inlnah. M.P.. And Mu Christina smith. lill sister. Hon .i. A. Robb. Hair. .7. c. El» iistt, Rt. Hon. George F Graham, A. Kirk Cameron and Whtsan Sel- irl will leave- tonight tur the gun. sral at Floriâ€"l Elslh. _ U; ins-u “(I‘D-I11; a, I . Amour†noï¬j’nmlcefl at the run» ml were: i Han. Jamee A. nahh. Mlaiam ct Pumice: Hon. J. 0. Elliott. Min- ister or Public kal: Hull. Jcmss Mllwlm. Minister at Trade and Gordon Edwardé. M.P.. Hon. Hal H. Meniverin. E. R. E. Cilch ricr. M. w. Parr-s. M.P., Mr. Justice chequer Coll" o! Canaan. C Jackson Booth. A. E. Haney- lWEl]. M.L.A.: I“. A. Miami. King's iPrlhlei‘; I. do L. Tac'he. Librll‘Lan of Parliament: P. D. Wllann; Joan A. Macllado. Drasldflnt o! the Qt- thwa Board or Trade: Hamid Fisher. K3" W. C. McCarthy: J. B. HunLEr. Depuly Mlnister n! Public Works: H. E. M. Chlihnlm. director 01 plihllcfly. Department a! Trade And Commerce. Mr. Justice Robert Smith df tho Supreme Court or Canaan: E. .l Lemalre. Clerk ul’ Ilse Privy Comb nil: Hon. Nelson Parliament. for- mer speaker or i. e Onthrlo Legls. lRNIl‘EI W. Lyle Eli]. Dr. Newton Mac'i‘awisii. H. II. McCormick. R. P. Snll'ki, Charles ElShDD. Fred Mean. R. K. Carnegie. T. H. Filhrk- lock. Charles Lyhcll. Rey Brown. T. H. Cuthherl. E. I. MCGPIUI, 1-1.1. McNulty. F}. R. Cameron. Kn rrmm- (“silh- l‘) l Ti 'r' | mm Ililll'iruiil. In ' Inlir. Nt‘LJllwi i. lilllL L.\nl \. in Hill. l r. l‘l'flllt. w. 1'. g. lll-tm s- â€". .Iiiiu r‘ Iiiggeri . ..lrisau. D. A Spmlrr. harles Asku-llli Slhlilm- (Irier Medal-i.» Landi‘o» ii’i». J Mi‘Dniigall. Jam/:5 Robert- Gan. Flank O'Mfllle}. .l. r'. Thoma. F. W Allan, C M nrnunuy, H A. PEl'i'thl, l" A Ni'DtiTmIfl. Gmr dun Mt‘Dilugall. Norman Guthrie. M J O'Connor. KL‘. Claw Mmhr. Howard Measures. Allilln O'Com rmr Fwd latrines, LPfl l{»lly. D .i Madeline. ‘J. Mallet! R ‘ Hoiiun. Alex, R M George F Parlor, ermoud Code Malcnlm MrPliErsoti E. l'. o'iieara H R L. Henr' F damn. \i la: 5m)“ all. A N. f‘llmmll'g h-d M‘illlh. A. 4.‘ . P. lmilllvrkll], Nm-rnllu F Michael McGlddc. Georg» Slmvsou. bi lioth Bltlle- †. Mathan oi the Exâ€"i r. A. Curl-nah. Col. 0. l‘. Humlliou. H R Mrrpriiih Enquire mam i Charla: Joni-L: war mm. P 5.. Slupwil l id- .r, i. ii ’ii will". (he ress lug spot the and t hy 7h!"- (ha eroi ul- lghl ata- .i :i s. to :lAlelldhilEmeitll flaw W5 51% -44» A: .W.,_,..,,., , flier» s a»... Extolled In Death Business Circles All 3 resented At Funeral of Prominent Lawyer. 911'. Ottawa llwyel. noted, Lllienll stalwart. intimate or Lnurler and a picturesque ï¬gure ln the Wllllâ€" Lulled In death as a All! Canadian and true Christian gentleman at [ha funeral service held at his resi- dence last evening. - The service held at 7.30 O'clock snw hall: atateuueu and citizen: of :uvier degree mourn alike at “JP trier of Mr. smith, whose sudden As Fine Canadian ' Government, Political and ‘ Alexander Smllh. K11" Drnmln- cII lll'e of the Dnmlnlan. was e'x- . death early Wednesday morning came as a shock In a hurt or, trleuds throughout me length and breadth cl Canada. // / Represent Government. Threv Cabinet Ministers. Hon. James Robb. Minister or Finance; Hm. J. r}. Elilcti. Minister ni Phil- llc Works. and iron. James Mal» calm. and Ker CflfllPlDII or Mom- real, were [he orucihi I'Dnrcsau‘a. lives in: ms Goin‘umem and the Him-hi nnrly William JolinslonL Mr. Smith‘s lrlw parllier xlull' «Mum-lend, has a uhlel‘ maul-her. along with a T Snllill nt Perth and Cameron n Danna: III too “loudly lmpresud or. flu milliliter. Ind linen thy mmmt._mah magnesium in cihudsn ll humming’ an urgent national problem which call only be satisfactorily chair with by men at national uallberl. . ALEXANDER SMITH. ‘ f Alexander Smim‘a pullian robs G‘a‘nndl 0! one at its hash mfnmld “uddan oi I'llâ€" tioual politlus,'tha city at om". or oh: 0! it: most: piohlrcsqua a“ will" m. Incl the Liberal party at an: '0! lie simm- shest and most: valued adherehte. Alexander Smith was a. Liberal. He approached Lil)- eruiism,mb merely us a magnesium or party point, but u h guiding ï¬nnlpie of 1112, V t ,‘Mbifllism," he coul'd' write, “th 1th rcuhdalich in_prihsipie. in conviction. _ln. ldnlis. Apart from these Liberhllsm in noth- ing." What is more. he thorougth believed It. Llhaxallsm was Lu him I state ‘0! mind. and hc lived it. A party min u ever thcrc was on», he was ya: a purcy'rnsri devoid a: partisan chnrlctgrlstlcs, as womanly undiei aloud, Ha never heeume hltmror Ibual : flu philosopth when others turned. He hook detest as c9.me as he moi: viciaryâ€"end lm wok s measure or chair. . 1 Fur male than thlriy years. Alexander Smith Wins a pawer in Dominion clcotion au- !sira As an organizer e: campaigns in Hill country, he hull no parallel. Whim he (raised as an active argahizcr, he turned in writing. preparing speakers' hand-books end My pamphlets. ammunition ï¬red 1mm hundreds oi thml'tts in successive «medals. These re- vealed the scope or his knowledge and the exhcni: of his experience, They also revealed the sincerity oi his devotion m a political (sill-l. His mind was always an Wary-reldy cumpendllm’t oi facts and figures muting to party mutter: 1n the hismry or Canada. He was sleepcd in the lore oi palitlcul war- fare. Ottawa people (nJoyed the hollul hi hhv- lng M" Smlrh as it lellow-Clilzen [or the last LWEl‘ity-folir years The large number which 'nersnmlily imew Mr. Smith will :uslily to his personal QHBIILM. t-‘or a man ullcse llic work was so largely dedicated to ndvunclng the fortune oi one oi the great parties, hc was singularly i'rue 1mm those traits which tradition has rimmed to the party devalee. ‘Dld, one not. knnw. it would have been an easy matter to will to‘him regularly over‘ a. number of yam-s and never discover Just, how dear to his heart gm til: cause 0! and, at the parties Because beyond his party leanings and his enthusiastic Liberalism wai‘ always that power oi detachment uhici made him so ugreunbie and rare a prirtisar He will hr greatly missed lcchliy. nr alone by those whom hp counted “5 rr lnenris. but by those thousands whu we merely laminar with his outward Applet: uncc. rin nppeï¬l’flncc as impressive. iii 1» ruggrd, picturesque will. as the prrsonn)’ it clothed