Salem-Nilestown WI Tweedsmuir Community History

Tweedsmuir Community History Collections (Stoney Creek, ON), [1783] - [2010]
Salem-Nilestown Women's Institute, Creator
Type d'élément
Salem-Nilestown Women's Institute, Tweedsmuir History was organized in Febryar

Salem Nilestown PPV Description
Salem was the name of the Church in a little community called Derwent which is halfway between Nilestown and Belmont on Westchester Bourne (formerly Highway 74). It is a combination of part of Westminster Township and part of Thames Center (formerly North Dorchester). Nilestown is a little settlement, corner of Westchester Bourne and Hamilton Rd. London. The WI branch was organized in February 1916 as the Salem Institute and then its name changed to Salem Nilestown in 1927. This institute branch disbanded in March 2012. Some families mentioned are Anderson, Beattie, Bendle, Byers, Carroll, Crinklaw, Dobbie, Hodgins, Irwin, Knott, Lawson, Manning, Niles, O'Brien, Phoenix, Smith, Thompson, Vanhie, Wright, and Yeoman. Besides information concerning the branch and its activities , the book contains the following information.
- Table of Contents
- Early history of Salem Nilestown W.I.
- History of Nilestown and Derwent
- William Niles history
- Nilestown United Church history
- Salem Church history
- Baptist Church history
- Bostwick Cemetary
- Masonic Lodge
- W.I. Autobiographies
- Farm and family histories

The Ontario Historical Society -Scadding Award of Excellence, June 13, 2004
'Foreword' Written by Lady Tweedsmuir
Adelaide Hunter Hoodless 1857 - 1910
The Cairn Inscription
Erland Lee 1864 - 1926
Nilestown Roll of Honour 1939-1945
Salem-Nilestown Women's Institute History
Pictures of F.W.I.O. Offices Guelph August 21, 1994
100th Anniversary of the Founding of Women's Institutes
Salem Nilestown Women's Institute
Anniversaries of Salem Nilestown W.I.
1976 60th Anniversary, Pictures and list of W.I. Members
1986 70th Anniversary, Pictures
1996 80th Anniversary, Pictures
Picture of Marg Harris, 1996, F.W.I.O. President
Picture of 91st Anniversary Cake ,2007
Pictures of W.I. Members
The History of Nilestown
William Niles Biography, submitted by Dorothy Dundas of Dorchester
An Excerpt from the London Advertiser, January 17, 1891, Page 2
Pictures of the Gilmour House
Picture of Car Races at Nilestown Track in the 1950's
Picture of Snowmobile Race, 1969 Winter Carnival
Picture of Nilestown Mill in the 1960's
Picture of Nilestown Church in the late 1950's
History of the Archie Zavitz farm
Excerpt from North Dorchester: A Century Past to Present, updated by Myrtle Wright, July 1997
Nilestown Village History, Salem Nilestown Women's Institute Secretary Books
The Village of Derwent, Lattimer Thompson, 1967
S.S. #6 & #10, North Dorchester & Westminster Townships Nilestown Schools, North Dorchester: A Century Past to Present, updated by Myrtle Wright, July 1997
Excerpt from The Signpost, June 1999
Pictures of Nilestown School 1894, 1960's
The One Room School, That Special Breed, Bernie Hann, 1995
Pictures of Nilestown School, 1921-1922, 1948-1949
Grade 8, 1958
North School Grades 7 & 8, 1966
S.S. #18 & 21, North Dorchester & Westminster Townships, Derwent School History, Derwent School 1992
S.S. #1 Westminster Township, Norton School History, General Register S.S. #1, Westminster, Helen Patterson,1930, Updated by Betty Lawson, July 1997
Nilestown Churches, Myrtle Wright, July 1997
Salem Church
The Bostwick Cemetery, Westminster Township, Middesex County, Daniel J. Brock, April 20,1980, Updated by Betty Lawson, June 1997
Cemetery Notice dated October 8th, 1886
Picture of Members of the First Korean Presbyterian Church, October 30,1999
Nilestown Masonic Hall, Jack Young ,1991
Masons Join in Opening ceremonies, 1958
Dedication of the Nilestown Masonic Memorial Park, September 22, 1991
Salem Nilestown Women's Institute Auto-Biographies
Jennet Margaret (Dockstader) Dodds
Mrs. Olive (Topham) O'Brien
Mrs. Edythe Yeoman
Mrs. Bess (O'Brien)(Moore) Wood
Mrs. Margaret Irene (Carroll) Pearson
Mrs. Helen (Irwin) Morgan
Mrs. Hazel Viola (Alward) Neely
Mrs. Jean (Iles) Judge
Mrs. Elizabeth (Betty) Fern (Hutchison) Lawson
Mrs. Elizabeth Agnes (Moore) Thompson
Mrs. Alice (Smith) Noyes
Mrs. Myrtle E. (Hutcheson) Wright
Mrs. Bertha Ida (Moir) Vanhie
Mrs. Stephanie Schelhaas
Mrs. Gwendolyn Edyth (Langford) Belmont Boles
Mrs. Georgina (Gough) Carroll
Mrs. Marion (Pollard) Smith
Mrs. Ethel (Peggy) (Harding) Wilson
Donalda (Borthistle) Oosterhuis
Mrs. Jessie Roberta Betty Black
Mrs. Nancy (Ferguson) Duncan
Area Farm Histories
Carroll Farm History, written April 1983, Updated by Georgina Carroll, July 1997
The Crinklaw-O'Brien Farm History, Lot 3, Concession 2,Westminster Township, Century Farms of Westminster Township, Marguerite E. Murray, 1984
The Irwin Farm History - Thornicroft Farm, Lot 13, Commissioners Road, Century Farms of Westminster Township, Marguerite E. Murray, 1984, Updated by Helen Morgan, 1985
The Lawson Farm History, Lot 6, Concession 1, Westminster Township, Century Farms of Westminster Township, Marguerite E. Murray, 1984, Updated by Betty Lawson, 1997
Picture of Lawson Home built in 1911
Picture of Barn raising
The Phoenix Farm History, Lot 6, Concession 2, Westminster Township
The Thompson Farm History - Cavanleck Farm, Lot 22, Concession 2, Lott 22, Concession 3, North Dorchester Township, Elizabeth Thompson, June 1997
Vanhie Farm History, Bertha Vanhie, July 1997
John Dobbie Story

Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario (FWIO)
Date de l'original
[1783] - [2010]
Langage de l'élément
Couverture géographique
  • Ontario, Canada
    Latitude: 42.96679 Longitude: -81.09973
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