TWEEDSMUTR HISTORY Reid‘s Corners W.l. TABLE OF CONTENTS Volume 2 COMMUNITIES Amberley Store -p178 The Bethel Epworth League -p255 Bethel Orange Hall -pp 129,120,326 Churches Bethel Church â€"p335 Bethel Excelsior Bible Class -p257 Pine River Church 118“ Anniv 1982 1,336 ‘ Ministers â€"p284 ‘ Sunday School -pp236,238 St. Luke‘s 120"“ Anniv -pp157-160 Interior -p250 Donald Boyd’s Diary -pp245-248 Exports ofPort of Penetangore 1866 â€"p127 Historical Notes of Local Interest Scrapbook of Curator -p62 History of Huron and Area -pp337,338 House Logs/Lot Histories Bob and Joyce Courtney lot 7 cone A -p316 Evelyn Elliott lot cone 8 -p3 08 Ruth Farrell lot 33 com: 9 -p317 Doris Hollands lot 30 cone 8 -p309 Norma Humphrey 10:39 cone 2 -pp310-314 Perrin Lowry lot 19,20 cone A -p318 Wm R and Elva Lowry lot 24 conc 10 -p319 Mrs. Prehn lot 37,38 conc 3 -pp323,324 Margaret Reid lot 35 com: 3 -p315 Lot 35 cone 2 â€"p239 Kincardine - High School -p241 - Hospital -p241 - Rock Gardens -p156 Lake Shore Mutual Telephone Co. Ltd. ~p240 Lake Shore S. Column Ripley Review -p123 Local Homes -pp144.151 Ferguson, Hollands. Humphrey, Humphrey-Pace, Pollock, Ray- Lowry, Reid-cone}, Reid-Pine River, SS 9-Emmerton Memories ofArthur Dunlop 13267-273 Memories of the Community Stewart Sheills -ppl95-234, â€"pp289,29l Memories of Local Residents -p61 ‘ Pine River Changes 1982 -p306,307 Pine River Male Quartet â€"p251 Pine River News 1912 â€"p189 Pine River Reform Lodge -pp125,126 Pine River Store Ledger 1897.1898 ~p249,250 Point Clark Lighthouse -pp161.162 Residents ofReid’s Corners Area 1880 -ppl 69-177 Original Settlers on Cone. A -p121 Schools S S I Huron school 13237 Pupils 13239 S S 9 Huron â€"pp277-280 S S 13 Bus Trip to Toronto -p234 Association for the Mentally Retarded ep|92 l . . , , . r r . , _