‘- .tby Audrey Hepburn) .1." V 4-H CLUB MEET T‘Theseventh meeting was held '.=~at Audrey Hepburn's at 7:30 Emma. April 2nd. It; We opened the meeting with f-‘the 4-H pledge. The mlnut'es ot ,. the last meeting was read by 'Cathy Cook and signed by Cathy lCook. There was no "Ftotl Caliâ€. We talked about each glri's accessory report. accessory eval- uation. crossword puzzle on accessorles and the accessories _ match game. The accessories . match game was fun. Lois Keays volunteered to be commentator _‘for our exhlblt on hats. We closed the meeting with ._ the 4-H motto. “Learn To Do By '25- Doing." :; Achievement Day for this "latest 4-H project "Accessories - Lathe Ftnal Touch" will be held on 3,.‘l'hursday evening. May 17. 1979 'fat Wlarton District High School. ' Mothers and grandmothers and , neighbours do plan to come and ‘ Bethe girls model the accessor- iea‘they made. by Anglo Farrell Yb. -The broombati dance to bring to an' end the broomball season g}! ey residents on Saturday .,.eV9.lIlng at the Arena. All Purple {Valley's avid broomball play'ers ay hang up their brooms until Qwail’gonloyod by many Purple- " 7 al 1 (W4; /772 orple Valley hoping tor a pace crowd and a nlce day. It it‘s a bit cold. just put on your warm sweater and mitts and come anyway. We are all set to cookâ€??? pancakes and than some. The good cooks in our neighbourhood are busy baking pies and cakes and other goodies for the bake table. You won‘t have time to be baking for your Easter guests so come and make your life in the kitchen easier. I won't cover all the other events such as the auction and sheet shoot, etc. etc. as it's all in the advertisement and we want you to come. My favourite part oi the day is the dance. We promise you a stompin' good time to the music at the Georgian Bay Ramblers That's April 14th SATURDAY at Purple Valley tor the annual Maple Syrup Festival. Purple Valley Annual ' MAPLE SYRUP FESTIVAL Saturday, April 14th Starting at 11:00 am. Handmade crafts, games, skeet shoot, pony rides making syrup & maple sugar & auction sale “ or hear all about our big I t W Admission: s1.50 i" " ’ T (Preschoolers Free) (Includes pancakes with syrup) ‘én‘axt tall. -_-Georglan Bay and Wiarton :ï¬ommunity Choirs presented a. "- valy concert “Voices of Spring' i.- ’ ,undny evening at St. John's oiled Church, Wlarton. The . edburns enjoyed. It thoroughly. Work bees and clean up o'ees JuaLgetting ready for the "le ‘Iyrup festival were the " discusslons at the commit- ,ee etlng held on Tuesday, p;iV§,‘.1979. Alice quton ls oing _;e "great Job on‘ the [no so wears all hoping . Country Style Dance ‘ 34.00 per couple 7 7 9:00 p.m. a: the Purple Valley Community Centre 3 r 7~Sponsorcclfby the W.I. & iCommunity Centre