Wiarton Legion Hall was the scene of the Legion Branch speaking contest last Saturday afternoon. A total of twenty public speakers from Wiarton Public School spoke on a wide variety of topics from "Ghosts" lo "Glasses". Winners of the Junior event (Grades 4-0) were: Leslie Given Isl. Linda Carlson 2nd. Rachael Hepburn 3rd. Winners 0! the Senior event (Grades 7 and 8). were Sandra Han ist. Laurie Abel 2nd. and Sharon McNamara 3rd. Other speakers were Teresa Hopkins. Linda Cunninghami Connie Cook. Michael Rouse, "3? i Winners of the Wiarton Legion Branch speaking contest were. above. left to right. winners of the Junior event: Leslie Given. ï¬rst; Linda Carlson. second: and Rachel Hepburn ihirdl Brian Hephurn. Allan Hepburn, Sam 'i'ayinr. Jan Boyd. Jiii BIL-nan. Lca Morgan, Sheila Biandin. Sharon Kerr. Vera Heidulph and Connie Cunning- ham. Judges fur the event vcrL IrenL' Mr'). Filii Gilbert Junior. and Reese izL-rn: McLaughlin. Akmenyie. 'liinvirwrzr Vviar‘wn i.:.».: Hall v .Llii n-n l'. Legion speaking contest [-3 r