Meto'lj'et Uhuroh page 12 Minnie l‘aiԠadds further :i crmtï¬on; Jesley services were held morning anrl evening alternately. ‘w'; 3 Jr's hool- in T‘innie's poaseew‘on racer/15 that The follovlzim’ peOTJF‘ snphortefl the church in 1905‘. James Ileeflhflm, Henry Ftï¬ï¬".;l1£0n, Henry Stanley. Thomas Stanley, Sherman Stanley. 0hristopher Blaclhvell, WIN-am étswcn. J‘hor‘: _ Etanler, 'L‘ho. LS Hawlny, John ll, Ina-an. Mrs. H, Hawley, anrl fï¬m‘i'ly, John ll, Collins, 3.121. Pollock, Canes Sufnr, l‘ s, A,C, Dere, Georflre Emargon' Yrs. 3. auyler, .ohn 'v'. Fair, All. flawley, Frank Stanley. Total m‘vinps 519450. The followinrr year, Ben and Harry log‘an's name. urn 7314041 and also luoht. N811. Chas. Shier. 311a Fair, Charlie Oolljns. Olaurle Dora and George Thomnson. ‘l‘he same names continue ymr after year huï¬ hazinninfy 1909, we see Mr»: name 04‘ 'h‘lhmrt “rs. Wm. Oulhart for mnny ye-wrs aftr’r the death of her hnsllanfl. n the ministnrs Johngon Who hemp/l. .x'he hacks were closed at thn enï¬ of May each year to correspond with l. changed}; In 1912. Purple Grove contributed $250.80 to the ninjnter's salary arm HF is crv‘liteï¬ '13 horse feed. Sevarnl Who could not rza‘Ve money game I» y or cat: for the ministers' horses. fictor lawley an'l James bleedhum were stel'v'lrds at this time. In 1913, "m. lljll and Ben Stanley urn 'Llfllzd tn the roll. In 1917, the stewards Ware John .. Pair anr‘ John H. Ool‘jn: with Chas. Shier as See. .Tn 192:2. [101:1 Thompson ""15 Ira S. of 5.5. In 1923 III-pie Grove hml hath a Stavrberry Festival incl l'ot Cuber. They raï¬ged 364350 that fie-1r which see 12 11" .L wand amount. To 1926, the 51:9“ lrvlr \"ul‘n 'l‘llos. U-a‘nle," and George "‘hompson. Sept. 1902 Minnie Fair recalled Old Wesley Church. It was level with the surrounding surface. When she and sister Lil were little girls they sang a hymn at a Concert accompanied by Maggie Cuyler she thmks , on the organ. . . Also recalled the day har mother laughed in church. The girls had put a linen table napkin in her faLher‘s dresser. He pulled it out. in church and it crackled like tissue paper. bummvr lfltlhâ€" 'vlfslpy ljnur‘ch taken down by neon? Emerson. Footnote to History ' “’Fï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬iflyflw I4." '1) On June the 10th we are rum-king the 95th Anniversary of Church Union. Many men and women in Canada will he recalling Illa cherished memories of that ï¬rst glen! service of The United Church of Cnnnda in tha Toronlo Arena. But I wonder if llnyune will know where and when 1112 last. service of Hm old Methndish Church was held in Canm‘ln. I think I do, MAY I hall rou about it“ For two months in the summer of 10:25 I was attached to the Methodist ___ V _ Mission Bout. It imam 015m, based ac mm Bay on the Paciï¬c Coast, new the ' m3 Alum“ hm“ ’ , ' ' _' . . . . . 5: Camp. “nrner Bay. 3.0., 1 n (h r , north end ot Vancouver 151ml The skipper-misalonnry (sky-pilot). Tom Colwell, Imus been flu: m: Methodist mm. helm-e Union; u"ln:2cfn“;c:nl;v:::haedm often took his 35-foot ban of friendship and good news over “was wild western in the coukdmuse. no 8.45 l).ru.. June am. 1025. Rgv. 1. Q gun" puma» waters alone. But this Summer I \rus liss7gnm‘l tn him as cunk, ('nhin-lmy, xnrl mu] m Frnrfl‘l‘l ilevonu, now Rev. F. H. maven. rend tho leuuon. chief engineer. , ; i, W ' On June em. we run norm from Alert Bay. Across the touch Queen Charlotte 1"“ "W" “a pm: PST. we cook rang the gran triangle, and 19 perm. ‘ gm ered mm us for the 55mm: Rev. T. C. Cohven (now of Burnaby, 3.0) ‘ Sex-mom- Inlet e\’tends like (he ï¬ngcrs of a hand Snund. and into Seymoux Inle preached, and I rend (he 1955‘ It was (he ï¬rst service the ‘ . . , peoyle decln that had 1mm lmld In Seymour Inlet for 9/1 years; and the lust service, I image. of ‘ fur am the valleys hemeeu we mm mm Hr me cm: 11111ng W... .Jr the fjords , V ’ ranching 50 to :5 mil... :..Iy....L Izm [1.9 mm mm. from these lung ranlnzi ‘h°Pl{:¢110dlrt(lnn-fh, m Canada. mm “Mum. we seething 9 next ramming, lwfnre we smled away to atber mm rvf the gum Inlet, of water all puur in and on! through a “a, th k Nnrwnklu Rapids. .3. stark tide we crept gmzcrly \hrnuch, and in the Evening 9 0°? Came gver to the haugund asked to be receivcd into membenlzip an ptofesamn of funk And there, In the beauty of the morning, June 1011:, 1925, tied up at the Allison I. Camp at Warm-r Buy. ‘ I _ _ The Alum Camp was Winn of many nf me smaller logging Gslnl-Il;l\ment: {a}: “"3 mm“ ’3‘115 ."flec‘ed ‘“ “‘9 9â€â€œ “Wâ€. “’19 ""148 her Profession of on the more rugged parts of [he Britich Columbia must. It was n11 flusting‘ ‘3‘ "h"; iâ€: 'f‘cemd "1‘0 membership. . . the last new member of um 11mm Bunkhouse, oflioe, Dunkâ€"house, everything lmih 1m mu. pf lurge mm 1033.1 m1 IF.qu “I†knew - ‘ - perhaps the ï¬rst new member of Th. uni“ Chm], together by boumsticks, \vhinh fnrmml the sidewalks of the nimble-footed msidw It, m , I . “Ye m'nmzed for m. use of the cook-house. and passed the word around a,†pedgcg'ihm‘ï¬mt: to lnï¬stom Educ I: :5 treasured. for it wnn one a; a. ‘ x A , = v .7. ' , . . 0 Lou rm my ecisio w E ' there mmhl he a sen-ma lhon as 5.011 n. :he cool. lmd u cleaned up after th m mum“! of Thevnited Church of Guns; 0 er myself as I candzdace for late supper.