‘ Volume] f Met but“ at Church The time has come and ï¬cfarence meat, The limit is its form. New laws do make, old boys unseat and change them by the score. I‘hey send us good old Mr. Mons, A ï¬ne true Methodist. 0f daughters four, one, DAISY. dear. He gave us for our organist. of spiritual food these men enrava Expecting we the partakars, Jhe personage had to have a cookâ€" We're supyllerl With Mr. Baker. Again, again another chmze. Old Time, he doth advance, Gonferenoe meet, new m'vn rsâ€"seat. ind draft as Mr. Vance. A widower they sent us next, A aorpulent Mr. Myers. Our sympathy stretched out at once To.he1p him thrOugh the brjara. Be patient with me . hearers floor. I have many more to sum. Mr. Patterson. from Labrador, And his worthy epoude had come. What do you think. a little Bird To the parsonage no"! :llrl fly, Am brought her gentle mate \‘l‘lth her “He name was Wm. Pomeroy. Than "re had llr, Darling, labored with us a 7911' 01! two; Fancy he was an American, Hot Canadian throurrh and throurzh. A list of young men We hive neyt, Just “Torn out the GOVTG’G; 'l'ney lre anyï¬mls to jo‘ln the Immediate 30 increase their store 0’ kno‘â€â€˜m’~a_ Eh: First "’15 Horton 1~:oh1'ns.c\n, lit‘n his hfl *mr crltlcï¬ He met his doom :in the l. l‘h-lt testerl his c'vtec'ï¬sm. 0'31 TOOIU l'hen followei nev. ‘r. hall, rho Wit horn acre ~t‘m P9 Helped u: in the def! ""11‘k vlth 1115 helpâ€"mute, dour "‘us SIN. 1! ow there come: another mot, yuan"? 5llll‘1ni He 4’csllowenl "Yr. 17.; Put t‘lljz'ra mu). “[111, 1 .. :njo Ct,A‘-‘" TM) ljf‘n at Mrâ€: I‘ll/,0 l‘mv‘r Lylnvl "0 011ml '1 1m l'lv‘n‘w n'a_ A5151“. 1-4 mlâ€. “J'll r ‘nnrl him. page 1 1: And last. not least. our yreaent priest. Who did his bit o'erseaa. Methinks that' flnpid'a arrows Has oft put him on his knees. But he came back a single nan. His heart key left behind; Fe erambled through his college regardless of mankind. flut now he's settled down. He he a wife and son Mr. Johnston holds a spot incur hearts A welcome and. a smile. I V “0ԠPardon friends for thes< lama, k, no evil or intent ‘ r Th‘Yar-L but little Passinjrnuu'jnm 0" “’“d’†lab-r5 br-iet’ly spent, event that @hnrch Unj on took place and ~51: was felt by Presbytery that this congregation could he served by Ripley and Ber-vie church‘e’ It was a bitter blow, They had always kept up their finances and it was not easy to adopt another church. Sunday School was carried on for several years. The ladies ‘36 never disbanded but continued until it became a "oman's Institute. Services were held occasionally and the church kept in repair. Bharles Shier and Jes. Nearlth acted as trustees through the years. 'l'hey sold the shed for $10, the organ for $10, and lamps for 310. In 1950 the church building was 5014 to weorge :J‘merson. I'rs. ILE. Mooney tells the folloving; I remember enjng to Anderson's on lot4 to thp make 1:565 for the grand opening of this church. This garden party or teaâ€"meeti n2 \‘V'lE held durint? the Week followinr the ooonlnr ceremon‘es. The coalâ€"oil lamps were very heanti‘nl- brass bases an (1 dark red [:1an shades. They were donated by daughters of Thos. Stanley. When the church was closed, they too}: the 3'9an ant? had them wirer‘x for use in The-7r homes. "rs. J.F‘. McKenzie hnlwht the snu‘l DIRT.“ and uses it in her Bruce. heach nottr "6 for sinolnp. 7n MFA the pulpit "‘35 taken to “inlay to he nrufl in H19 Sunfl‘ty School room. Jennfle Shier, sister of Amos, donated the bible to woslay. Karla}? Hymns had a good 5.5. Bone Supt. \wre- 11.. for puny yours. l'enclwrs of ‘9.an Uol‘jne, lrs. Dore, lnln Colljnt .‘Jf‘j'i' f ml lxtx‘l Ieth‘e onwloy. Minnie mvl Pollock, Jame: lied-’les, lloff‘at Wavsley um {313. more. L'On Hewley was Sec. HjMe Glass- Linnjm r‘alr am! ‘HIISâ€" Jerome arm letrï¬n u-lrried on For ,ve-ars after church ‘I (~1mnfl.