Met bod? at Church page“) Membership on Bervie Circuit 1691 Bervie 55 Keeley 72 Armcw 68 Mon 52 Kinloas A) Millarton 54 Bouthldne 27 Mr. Robert Avery or Armour sends the following clipping from the local paper of 1924: Lu event unique in the hi story of Wesley church, Purple vrove. took place on 'Bharaday. “$.14, 1n the form or a u. A missionary Banquet. ’l’he basement had been taetefully decorated and about 80 were present. Altar Justice had been done to the sunper for which Purple Grove ladlee are specially noted, toasts were proposed in honor of rthe King and Gountry. The Ladies. Our "nests and Mn flhuroh. Thane were prooosed by Leslie flawley.flr. D.S. McDonald. Miss Ber-amine Emerson.ani E. Grifï¬th: respectively, and Miss “.3. Tranter, lire. J. Golllns, Lire. (Rem) Willane and Mice Ada Haney replied. These speeches "'el'e delightfully humorous. brief and to the point. Ihe program Wla interapersd by community singing and two solos hy lire. Univ.) . lam of Armow and Rev. ‘3. Willans of Ripley were much appreciated. She most interesting item on the yrogram ,perheps. was an address on "The H1 story 0! ‘Yeeloy Church" by one of the Stewards, .7.H. Collins. Hie description of the old church that was built 61 yeara ago. plain and unadcrned. but having to its Flory one series of revival meetings at which 130 were comma-ted: his recalling of the old days when people name to church in boh- slelghe â€"but they came: his mention of the 01d means of grace. the class meeting: the memorieo of the laying of the corner-stone of the nev church and its opening service: his tribute to the fathers of Methodiem in that community (they were giants in thong e days); these With other pare onal memoirsetirrad up deep emotions. Wealegr @hurch is a monument to great leaders and inevitably great followers. In passimr on they seem to say in the lines of Col. Mange: ‘l‘o you from failing‘ hands we throw The Torch- be yours to hold it high: If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep. "Aek great things of Bed, Attempt great thinks for God. Expect grat things from God.“ 'JEhis church, se1dom heard of beyond the .innhqm Di attic-tn has the enviuhla record of having given the f0110"}1‘n:7. eivrht of her sons to the Christi-mministnry and two of her duukhte'a to ueaconees Work; Lev. Samuel Sellery, ILA. Toronto; Laev. Olarke Klogan. 5.3..Hamilton; Izev. LA. Bowers huh, brantford;..ev. l'. Dr. J. Andezson. r'arzo. 11.0.; Lev. Ivy-n burns, 11.; Church .L.S.A.: 0.5.3.: 1115:: .-.'.I.. trawley .‘orontc. ise A.J, Ger-V1317. L'Orontcl. :he next item, snrjnlflcd with 'rish Wit, Lira. 'zeo. moreon. in an orjrin'tl poem. depictâ€? the, characteristics of the 7 r‘czs "minist' - : LGLV‘1'1 at 'METW 3‘1"â€?!- ..ev. ihitc, of Arno'v, pave a 'rtry thor on .ralip‘our; .Irluc Hon and lust, ,hut not least, .te‘I. L1. ï¬ll'lns Drusent-rd "m twoen :. ."he annu'll s1: ‘ :3 and .‘urz meter, 5.67. 5J2. Johnston. who uvtei as ' rt}: 1) (WIN. ‘rcvtr 1h": rim ', Ff‘fllt‘fl-‘E: and T92L‘!lltifln ' . . E. ‘. “,3th m i C'Jol‘vcll bruelnrt bay, B.c.;.’.ev. H. lien Cuylar, v.0. .Jeceasod;é ..ev. Byron burns. LLE. Ohurch