V 7° 1:“ l Methodist Church 119309 In well as the regular lundey service. the churches trier! to have s great deal of member urticipetion. Some churches her! a regular testimonial service followinn the church service. rayer meetings were held in all churches once e week. ’lhe churches were divider! into classes, over which a leader was placed. 'lhere were about 12 persons in each class. 'lhe leader was supposed to 1. see each person in his ales; once I week et least. in order to inquire how their souls proaered: to advise. comfort or exhert so coo-lion might require: to receive what they were “nine to give towards the support of the teepel 2. To meet the ministers and the stewards ones a week , in order to inform the minister of any tut were sick. or of any that walked disorderly ancl would not be reprovelzto pay on the stoma-(1| what. they bed received financially. ilhese were the rules set out in England ma were not, fun, followed in Canada. In 1897 Wesley church had 3 olasae: .hee .uylar- had" lhos. Stanley- Lemlar B.P.I.Pellook- lender Ire. C 3. Mylar Henry l3:111“ he. ht. Hewley Hrs. uyler (widow) In. lore larger-e1: Henley ’lhoe. hwley James. H. seeded Ire. James E. Deddee John Logan In. John Logan Kort“ Henley Ire. ".1. Beddas In. Stanley Annie Ferguson Mex Fair Mrs. llex Fair he. Shier Ere. Jae Shier In. Wm. Stuney llorence Shier Imus Thompson John ilaokwsll Mrs. John Ileokwell Ere. Thee. Stanley Richard Stanley Hrs. Pollook Hearse Emerson Mrs. Geo. Emerson Jusie Cuyler Lettie Stanley “re. rergusou Henry Stanley Mrs. Henry Btenley Henry Stephenson Ere. Henry Stephenson Hrs. @hris Blackwell James Edger Francis Edger 1898- Jae. H. 9966.93 3.8. Supt. at Wesley 1399- 375 members on circuit 1910â€" Circuit givinne to Missions $315. Members of Wesley Church 1890 Chas. Ouyler- Leader hechel any)“ James Anderson ixechel Anderson Henry Collins noht. Gain-3y Ann "nvley Ioui so Guyler Alonzoretta Dore Mary .7. Shier William Hill silica HI] LD 151 i13i3k“-’111 1,31'311’91 'r’l"-'le:," Jhos. We‘ll-3:: James H. Wallis T’ery J. 93le Eran 'is Sten‘e,‘ Eliza Z‘no'i'son .avln: Jo‘m Onlwsll- lender Hzizuhqth 001 Will John 01555 Jena 'nees James 00‘ sell Lev. Jss. H. Handle Vary waddle Vary .7. (been Ann Hildred James Y'cCOmT- I. l Y'cCom? arlcltte Shier granrzis Jolwal ll". J.H.leedhem Clarke Logen Hettie Stanley LE. Bunny LHJeedhem Arebel la Needhun Jemee Follook Len: Collins Eater Dene e. Motor Sawley J.Ann Henley JJJlscrnell lire. J.B.Bleokwell Bel ls Beddee Levine Emereon Plorenoe Shier Edith Ihier Charlie Bhier Minnie Meir Ire. John l‘eir u! ly Fair Rachel Hewley Miae Ion-en (Sadie) John L'leckwcll- leader liary A. Bleckwull ‘xeorre Blackwell Vary Black'!‘ 11 Licharrl Stanley Ann Ecenlej.‘ Amos Shier Vary J. Shin-I lilliem 'l‘onch‘tvcurne Vary ‘rj. Touchhonrne Martha l‘ouchfomne .LFJ. Pollock ' -P.:V. Pollock .;1 Anderson (Widow; .ln‘ son (Mormon an .‘lhinr Inven e iorfln Ma‘er I.‘v- VH"â€3; 5'4“ pr em: I.