‘ “ Void,“ 1' Method! at 'Bhuruh page 8 1713- salary S900 and 3465 HOV. 17. 191}â€" adOnted ayetem of uyetamtic Weekly givihg lug.) 3, 1914- moving expenses $25 1918â€" salary 51000 1919 â€"selary to be paid monthiy ï¬ns. 2). 1920- Biron†Lnnjverery to be held on 5th of Sept. On Set. the 4th the member-e to come out to get the grounds 1n shape. Choir to he in charge of music, ’1‘. Zeros! to look after advert-525nm l'he speakera 130 be a". “L Wren, Rev. "1. Garey; ,, ‘ Mr. Armstrong and the Law. Dr. Bhown. ‘ ,‘n ï¬he Parsonage In the Bhriatien liner-dine for April 29, 1874, it is stated that a frame pareonege am} ‘- ootbu! mange had been bu‘lt at Bervie “lest year " which it says was the first year when was an independent circuit. Actueny 1872 seems to he the year that the circuit first became independent. The cost of these buildings wee 31200. ’ ’ ' it ï¬ret . the parsonage wee frame and kept painted white. with a verandah an screen the, ‘ south side. When it became weathered and verandahe went out a: style. it was torn off. In “ the house warmer, it we: covered With aiding in 195‘. - It Se eeilu that one nun: eter'u Wife became so provoked that the only entrance to the etii: was from the parlour that she took an axe and chopped :1 hole through from tin hall. the mm store of the Barrie aucun have always lived at Ben-via since it became an indesondent circuit. he parsonage was 1’! nenced for..'leure by a accurate committee compoaed of members from the various churches who Were responsible for upkeep. Izopaire were usually financed by an annual Circuit Garden Party. 'Rhï¬e Woe ulwuys held on the parsonage prounds at Bervie. The women from all the churches provided the food and a committee of women from the var! one churches was in -'. charge. It was a time of good te‘lo'vshjp as "lei: as a fine co-operatjvo effort. liinnie Fair's ’ mother made the tea at the personal-re fer peers and was also president of the committee. . The 016 minute hook wives further in'ormtion: _Nov. 7. 1909â€" e comsttec appointed to purchase a house if thew think it unusable for the purpose of huj 1:15an a woodehed to the arsonaze. May 2. 1910â€" personawe 1nsu‘mnce raised to .500 lug. 5. 191}â€" pereonazn heard to rewau- Ftud‘le lab. 2. 1915- a committee ‘vas arr/ointefl to ï¬rm? the matter of 'bnilflin; a parsonage stable before the people. to not p-ravm on the pround RM to who an honest effort to raise the required amount of money . and that as econ es the committee have raised 5100.00 over and shove the navel. the 53M nownjttae proceed “H‘h th‘" minim! iron. 3. 19Mâ€" Pnronnree l'rneteo Boar! mH '01- a 'enna Which had been h1th in front of the per-sonarâ€: and nhnrr-h Hurt-MB Some of the e'xrï¬cet nowhere of 'Jeemy Mun-h who “M in the community were buried on a plot on the southâ€"avast corner Where ‘l chuch was htnr hnflt. 'hen Bervje Tlethonjst cemetery was opened. these two/Hes “lore remowul there and 2-1150 The z'varknrs. ‘n some cases. new markers Aere bomnt and net up. Part of on old ""l‘tfl storm of a murkcr IZS'd on a Mr. Stnmey'e ETSVG 1'5 0n the property or†'ieorac .‘unursnn. ‘ _ 'n 1954.. on cfrorf "â€'x’ 31-: V0 1.1'3'1'0'.’ "ml zone. for 1 \6- 01:1 ce:‘;e\~31"es at bcrvtle. A‘he follo'Mrw' 1M1; 0“ nm . wrv ann \2 New NH ‘5 an 15;,» :Lemmdï¬m came: cry: Susan “185’. I John J. (Huey, Valflncton Furnace, Muhurrl Golï¬ng, John ‘les‘ngr Collins, iidwarfl Collins, 7 ‘ Charlotte J, U0111n1, Hum-gr :u .1 I'nrgr (whim, Uabomh Colwoll..$omuel Co‘WeOI‘I. John B. and L‘Irn‘liy 301vV-31], J'xvnee mi! nr‘m H, Cu" nch m I), Cugvlor, v.0. Guylor. 310050 DUFIFT. 531'31'1 ‘ 'J‘cnnra'o' Hrs, [Jenny H: :r_ "ya. IIw. ."hh', Amrow Lloblu Fuji". lzohert Gamnnnd. time†311M. $41M 'Tnnt. June um no‘nurt ,unL. John L‘A‘JIIU. lrhri 1m lam. "rs. Uorman,k~.ob61‘t Lonila'ï¬-s. . ‘ .. ‘ e n. hot-art John Harr1t.t, I'rs. mac's-H Dt‘uflrly, 'r-mcmr: lolljm'ton tuott, L‘amet ’Eslnlf flame? . “"0 chH'irun of Josnr-h ‘lu‘! J-mv $.J1vn7uj',‘ farm-«v A Jones. “Mm†“L†“ †"“"‘ U .. . _ c .. \,..1.=_.\.. my.“ «n mu. -‘w: more. “w, ran MN“: ‘: " ‘ ‘ r ‘I‘ ‘ ‘ "‘- ‘ ' " ,mdï¬Â» mgâ€- m‘ M-nx'c‘v'ss in NJI. ‘ ,, p 1., mm. W. .‘5, -1 ml :_Hn<‘ ‘: H!nn.. 1 MW. 7‘1. l'mrm z ‘ ..'-1V. 3. 1mm: "1 w fur" I‘illvr n‘l l'nl) 10"":‘1 Iwm-w .pwmth Icwnv It INHI- ' 9.11'11 'r‘~\w1»:j‘ 1: “ea. - V , ~ “3 ‘ j r ) ,p'M‘th LAN-Hm rvr'm‘vwl hx W111 151"} “IN: .vj'wnl. nuxnn In... ‘1: ‘ H mm H ",1; lyreqs. Hum-r .l M1 mH] mum‘qu Mv ;..w \ m .m- ,n Hm†$0.1 m "‘mHi‘z'A‘ n-V;\F :rflxfl; I! 00-“. “Wynn ‘ - ’ . ‘ ‘ v H Y. L ‘ . ‘ , . V y,‘ l v“ 4 “1.1..“4 vu «,HJ“ 1}.'\\ 1 n.\ . . 1n 1 M VI 71†1. 34"1I' mew-’1‘an H. r -‘ '. 1W“ ‘M‘I‘w'f'