. "H, ‘a. Volume. I I? Methodist Church pave F In the fall of 1959, Mrs. Arnolï¬, had a chat with 1’ M w retired. He feels that the method of :"énqnuirw fhart;llligliljigsm::h"iééigszgrg’I'mmri haajs 11‘7an Egtggi+ï¬zianjzimm hgn :e was {\t'BeIVjE? 40 years are, neolwle often handed ngiqui‘zlrsgnrylgh 5 had t at as e an a.out 941112an '3th L: churghe: on Hue circuit, it meant that‘tln -i :1 UD‘ 0 e a from bookâ€"keeper to avozd m stakes. l‘he stewards 12'ch. about and (20115 t r1L mnrsmr igglghgzï¬hzgglggzsg Oallttio the? ‘ilmrtefly Official board meetjnp. It was Sgteou‘fagz the . _ r l l’} ell IVE“ to he .j 1‘ ‘â€" ~ ‘ I‘ rimem‘bercd he anrl Duncan Guest had 5.109 between lRoï¬fgelfVguï¬gfeï¬aegigfljBialaoga wuarter he e.mpared to now but "lent as far as ’t-oâ€"day. It Seenefl hard to accomvll‘gll :lUCi'l 1"1r‘lisolsligrnid 10W scattered conc’rasratr‘oa in u ehnrohe . vl w- -. ~ - fl". JillaElE 318112 of some 01‘ uelalfl Lawson's amue'lng experiencee 7,. ' * h H > V I u “ï¬ll a hqreewe-had never drzvcn a horse before he came to Enrvw‘e so was {swan qulet oltl Nettie. Once he was 30min? aloncr the I 7’ alonr Silver Lake. '15 had heard men ea that 1' u a - r o lwarl. it was wise to P81; out and seen ofyhrealt éftig‘llngg‘l: til; :21; 1.1135 Gerald did am called,"00me on Nettieâ€. Nettila lllungell'in and. never stopped till she hail pulled the cutter right over U=réld A llngther time He was drjvfnw into "5011 shadzlhere wasa Ms: ï¬â€˜rzft‘rrglgt :‘n front 01‘ The door, W'Tich let you Bron su'lFénly’Ellito tlm mod zloor. Gerali wasn't prepared for the sudden ï¬lgp aha was shot right over the dashboard and landed in front of revrmnl Eggnog :29 fpnrrrcgation.t7t was certainly a most, undlrrnjfjtedu‘ l e _ r uric m1 .5 er ’0 arrive a ‘15; 1 AAA 5nd NUS GEN‘N L‘““’†We went to the U.3. and marriedtarmingiï¬givé daurhter an“ IT \1‘1‘111'3'11F tells 0" su‘ll)Â¥;:::h:i Una“ hi; {Eltjï¬ementin 1959. U . _ -rgv‘ _ ,. ‘_ son_o;r eer Ieshefo-r \r' great:th at allacehurg for several years 111% here his “"375: died.‘:a’::r T1: Efrljggd; $3011 Viehsol teacher am} "'erlt to fjeto Etreet in Goderich. From hele he retiredfltov.’valla"é; a re Vaugh’c woodorkjng 1n the School For saveral ye-lre u “T?- 1917- David \9. Williams Duncan truest » U r SARNIA. June 1 â€"- 'Fhe Kev. Duucln Gum. ol Wynn-lull. 1was elected prrsmem a: the United Church nl Camel. 1man ,uunterence [any at um annull mertlng hm. ' Mr. Gum's ulrcllan cum on ‘, 'the um bullat when he pulled rum-ram}, avex lwn nlher nom ‘Mkom and “mud†. r. Conlercnc: cxpcrlonue bnhlnd The REV“ D" “M†L'W" are new president lr la nng or Melrupollzrn mam-u Chulch. “ Mumâ€. H “mm at mm undo†“"d the Re“ R‘ B‘ as mercury and Lwa terms a: Cmg' D‘ SL' Tum“! Wm “‘5†chairman at Lhe ummn Pro:- nmninalod. hmâ€. Mr, Guests m. DL l, A GuPsL‘ 1 London denusL‘ LE Al- tending the cumman u was: dent M m: Laymen's Msucl- \ anon. i Born in Bruce ‘ ‘ The new Fruident. wha m:- : needs me am, Gordon w. Elnl,‘ rrr wlndsor, was burn In Brucrl County and nllondcd Klnrnrdllm' . High School‘ Skmllurd Nummll - School and graduated from Em-l ' 1 mnnJL‘l Cnllrzn HE rm lel [lug nualom! 'l‘hnrgt‘r. Hrs pvcscnl rhargv hr‘ ' has served (or 19 xcm‘s runl h lravlng llrls ycav Lo acct‘pl rm ¢_â€"_’â€" lnv|taLlon nl Ccnlrlfln. HI: nther mlnllleries were In Dover, Ellwil l PRESIDENTrELECT RECEIVES CONGRATULAA , Tlouslpresldenrolccr n» ma Landau Cwllrl‘wu'e l ‘1 5' h of Inc Um ed crml. ml lelrllln m Rrr, Dull, Guest nl \A/ycmlng, m larr l: rangrumorc‘d m l-l; elefllnn m h s W, Dr gm» Guest 6‘ Lmdm Inclnow brave-1 anti came to a 'bad 1:; drifted Spot near one of the bendc