Volume I , ‘ Ii THE METHODIST CHURCH "In those days Jesus came from Nazareth of Falilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan.\And when he came out of the ' water. immediately he saw the heavens opened and the Spirit descending upon him like a dove and a voice from heeven,"Thou art my beloved 501;? with thee I am well pleased." Mark I; 9.1] The dove represents the Holy Spirit descending from heaven and is meant to suggest the Spirit-inspired preaching which gave theMethodist Church its power. ’Ihe Ghurch has always followed and served its members. The first settlers came to Kincardine in 1848, and in 5849. Rev.Mr. Gox of the Methodist EpiscOpal Church led the first religious service in Kincardine. [Tn 1851â€"52 Rev. Thee. Crews of the Wesleyan Methodist Church had a membership of 40. In his report 01' 185T, Rev. Crews speaks of "the badness oi’ the roads, the newness of the place and only a few members." There were at least two Methodist denominations active in our area- Wesleyan Methodists and Episcopal Methodists. The Primitive Methodists had an early church at Bervie. Ehe Townships of Kinoardine. Kinlossnsnd Huron were part of the Kincardine Mission. A Methodist congregation was established in Bervie in T853, so some of the early settlers of the SouthLine may have gone there. However, we know a log building was erected about 40 rods from the 60th sideroad on lot 60, con,;? on the preperty of Sam Emerson and was used as school, Orange Lodge and to hold prayer meetinrrs. Sam Emerson took out the deed for thit property in 1854. so this building was probably eret%d about .7853] ’At first. the church was served mainly by local preachers such as John Fair. This congregation was always known as Nesley andwas established 'by the Episcopal Methodists. Elie first building erected for church use only was of logs and located on lot5,con, .T2N. ’“3 on the farm of Chas. Ouyler.. Mrs. Geo. Emerson said her mother walked to attend the opening of this church and went home to dinner with Mrs. Iiichsrd 00111115. This Mrs. Collins was known as Aunt Sally because sh '9 wow so skillful as a doctor and nursed everyone in the community. She was especially skillful as a midwife. This Aunt Sally was Burton's great- grandmother. George Thompson attended Sunday School in this first Wesley Church and remembers itas a log building covered with lumber on the outside and nicely plastered on the inside. It was a member of Bervie Oircuit which became independent in I872 and consisted of Berviefleslayuwï¬h ZionI Glerke. Bethe} and Pine River. Dick Richards said he also attended this earlyAfrcm the eastern end of the south Line alonp with the Bronscomes, Woods and Wintersteins. Jimmie Bronscombe led the choir. and Sadie Richards played the organ till she married Sam Armstrong. Everyone walked to church. " 7' early ministers on Bervie Gircuit: 1872- Andrew Millian I87}-Andrew Millikan I874- 1875- T876â€" T885- T886â€" T887- During 1898 anflQ, Henry Harn‘mll was a teacher at Turple Grove in 1891' came back as a student minister. He married Jemima Stanley who Andrew Millikan Issac Crane, James IIoLachlin Isaac Crane, James G. Foote Isaac Crane, Samuel G. Staples Ohri stopher Hamilton, Alfred E.Smith Christopher Haml lton, WJ’V. Campbell ChristOpher Hamilton Robert Davy, Thee. E. Harri son .,James B. Freeman - . 7 Samuel Seilsry, John J Rapp The Wesleyan and I’ethodiet Epi scopul Churches united. Eervie Circuit now consisted ow“ Bervie, "esley. Zi on. Clarke, Armow, South Line and Millarton. 777 _ Samuel Sellery, Robert 0. Burton . . . . . . . .John Kennedy Thomas Amy, J. Wesley Churchill N\r. and NW5. HohnWt/l T888 Thomas Amy, Albert E. Henderson T889â€" . . . . . .Henry J, Miller TB9UJ0hn lx. Isaen.. . . . . . A 38933. . . . . . . ur. Johnston and H'Hdrnwcll , s 3 hool and helped in the choir and Sand-lg School. C h» i 5 Top h e :- T892â€" John R. IsuanJoseph D. hichnrdson .T8?3- John \‘1. bilpin. 1.013021: J' McIntyref ‘ P HP “PM?†W. Yarnwfll retired to Mnemon '" Mr. H " m. l. H cm I I Z a 17 Egg." Tmaal him a son Nehflfle and q daug‘VtSj‘ (vertie who Is, (nrvin m†Seek. 1 Robert 1101 ‘d F’ N ' £1135» Tmour I“ mar: w'ed an