By Valerie Hlll ptco=i utihtxtfl‘iwtl' NEUSTADT 'l‘hui‘ufll’t‘ nuphflsts haunting itv- storm t'nt i'iisiml bowle of hislnrit' l‘}>3l|<trlf‘lt Brownn: hut \‘nl Stuntman “‘0ther it ill" oriuinnl on n- or (104M715al by now will ihvn to lond :ihulpmg hand "\\’nwnnv9r Wl‘ need In pin a hill" for n nvw pipe in. l‘ nppmrs t‘iVE'l night." \flv »..t'y- 'l[’\fl\ if llL' », lr\ll’IL‘ tolivlp us ' Tnu 'hh' in qunmnn n Huan llru‘nt», \\llir founded Ihc- haul and biun n in 1359mm lmI‘Ut‘llillll‘vllil'lfl" l’nflS‘lll: num Ct rmam in (rcti the 2.000 <qtliiinluul titlilillnt: l"'lillll7 mn :.ill».d ll‘u bu<inzss in lliliv and since then, [he â€" hullilllli :iris Si rvid as :vâ€"i'nhinz lrnm u VlllflEl‘ dnn‘ ill to a i‘ land in h in! )J.l]ll n“ r! the ï¬rst beer off the innipvmtui‘c of ll C Erich is connected in; an art >il duui‘uuy. [ii 13an room. the pure waters of (‘ryslzil Springs have bubbled up through the door into a holding tank lor more than 100 years. providing a prime ingredient in the brewing process. The superb water makes it possible to brew in accordance with the Bavarian Purity Laws of 1516, which strictly forbid additives. “The water is tested every six weeks and it's absolutely pure." Val said. "It has the perfect pH for lager." With remarkable ingenuity. one of the caverns also oontnms a large chute leading upstairs to what would have been the hotel. “It was an early form of air-conditloning,“ she “Everybody wanted mm For new. the Stimp~ sons are not using the litippuncd almt: “I19, “IE lint beerln caverns but someday about two year hope to install storage The North w cnuplt- 82_ years' we had roi‘itainers for their new 1!] Cnn‘id m .1 little old ladies brews prhnvurial nu , i’avi lliniz thi- rnunii’. lot-Ling lur an id tun. n luwl tum mi crobrcwv- forn'adimnul Scuttlshh iv}. alt ll; rlmnn . tin-y stillinr‘i‘l i “il a \‘l' in iron wmping, to hnqmre aimm hrvn inu vqiimmr‘ni. A salwiman ’l\KFd it [hi-y'd vi~iiwl thi- nhanrlnnr-rl hullfllhgllth‘dWaill mnih of Hill'lflvr'l'. Val admits it \ly’lxll'u‘t'at ï¬rst \iqhi "it had been up for sale in. 5 yt-zu's." she said “in Europe. you mn'l buy a hulldingllke this. ,.Wlit1nl a“ Ihis building “6 could. livelievri . here in LhE mllldll: of mm hrrv Tlll‘ Stiinpznm were entranced by the caverns CfllVEd iinin layers of Stone bent-nth the trio -mt~m Like (ht- dunizr-gn U! a medieval ras Lie, each room hit) roundt-rl cezlings. walls fortiï¬ed n uh milSSth‘ stones and the barely ViSible remnants of nhai wen: ontv tunnvl connecting these storage areas In the inn and llc-uilier's home across IJic street The room. . 'e morn ihan 1'} metres below ground and maintain a cunsmnv ï¬ghting . . ." hi ewery owner After 20 years of run- ning twn histnrir pubs Val Suwpson' in Wales and brewing [llPlr own recipes. the Stimpsons were ready to bring this old build- ing hack to life. but Without altering its unique heritage tharnctei’istics. ‘ \A'n boil it the building n 3531‘ ago in him. . wu've Cumealunuway.†shr- \«Ald The couplt’: total investment ex- temltâ€"rl $1 million. uicluding the build- ing .uirt bieuuiu equipment purchase. renovations. g or neplacing some hi the 73ulli.u\\l51)lld 15 douiways antl iipgiadiug Electrical wiring and seiuigr _ stems, They even converted th iipsmu's balliuuin into living quar~ [61% Mlnr surh a massive investment. Lhe Stinipsons were still unsure how their ales would he accepted in a predomi- nantly Ge‘man and Dutch area known for itslove of lagers “Everyhndy Wanted the ï¬rst beer off the line, the first beer in 82 ~ " Val said of the opening just yearn the hrewevy's lager and heavy ala are In front of her. .4; before Christmas last year: "We had little old ladies fighting as it came off the line. “We weiesold out in ï¬ve hours." Neustadt Brewery has also generat- ed interest from the tourist trade. Val estimated 55.000 visitors stopped by throughout the summer. “There‘s a lot of history. so many people are interested in it." she said. “People think that what we're doing Um W" z here is absolutely fantastic." One elderly gentleman recounted how his father had been paid by Heuther to get rid of rats scurrying across the top of vats. Today. the beer is sold through the Stimpsons‘ retail outlet and in pubs from Tobermory to Toronto. Recently. a Belgian lager was added to the line and Andrew is working on recipes for other new beers. ijw Welsh couple restore old brewery} oer glory" ’ rm |£E, RECORD 5w»: Val stlmpson stands by some old wooden barrels In a cavern below the Nausmt Springs Brewery. Bottles 0! WW7 7 Though it's running at about one- thlrd capacity: the brewery produces 17.000 bottles annually using Canadian malt and hops imported from New Zealand and England. The couple. citing their British “re- serve.†have been cautious about an ‘ panding too quickly. despite the de- mand. “Then you're not here and gone to» momw."Va.lsaid,