‘ .,WW‘WTi6i‘6‘66066000b00boooootbbbbtbuhbbynhbmuu 1' -'. ' ’53:}. ' Kirk-r» t . n "I. i é‘i Q ' The outlook wasn't brilliant tor the Mudville nine that day; The score stnod loll: to two, with but one inning more to play; And s0, when Cooney died at ï¬rst, and Burrows did the same, A sickly silence fell upon the patrons o! the game. [x A straggling (cw got up to go in deep despair. The rest Clung to Lhe hope which springs eternal in the human breast; They thought, if only Casey could but get a whack, at that, They'd pul up even money now, wilh Casey at the bat. if But Flynn pit-ceded Casey, as did also Jimmy Blake, And the Iormer was a pudding and the latter was a lake: So upon that stricken multitude grim melancholy 52!. For there seemed but little chance tit Casey's gelling to the hat. But Flynn lot drive a single, to [he wonderment of all. And Blake, the much despised, mm the Cover all the ball; And when the dust had lifted, and they saw what had occurred, There was Jimmy sale on second. and Flynn ahugging third Then {mm the glaildciied multitude went up a joyous yell, lt bounded [ram the mountaintop, and rattled in the dell; It struck upon the hillside, and recalled upon the flat; Far Casey, mighty Casey, was advancing lo the hat. It A it/. There was ease in Casey's manner as he stepped into his place, There was pride in Casey's tieanng, and a smile on Casey’s face; And when, responding to the cheers. he lightly doï¬'ed his hat, No sirangt‘r in the crowd could doubl 'twas Casey at the hat, I I, gnu; Ten thousand cyl‘s were on him as he rubbed his hands with dirt, Five thousand Iongucs applaudpd when he wiped them on his shirt; '1'th while the wnLhing pitrhmâ€" gmiind the hall into his hip, Deï¬anre [gloade in Casey's eye, a sheer curled Casey's lip, And now Ihc lcathcrcovered sphere came hurtling through me air, And Casey slnod awalching it in haughty grandeur lht-rl': Close by [he sturdy batsman lhl' hall unheeded sped. "Thai am! my Slyle," said Cast-y “Strike tine," the umpire said. From the benches, black Willi people, thorn Went up a mumni ruar, Like the healing r)! the slorm ant-s on a stern and distant shore; "Kill him‘ Kill Lhe umpire†shouipd someone on the stand, And it's llkPiy they'd have killed him had not Casey raised his hand. With a snlllt' or Christian t-hai-ity great Casey's VlSagr’ thonr; He smiled the rlsing tumult: ho tirid.~ the game go on, He Signnlt-d to the pllchel‘i and Once more the sphemid tit-it, laut Cast-y sllll Ignored it, and the umpire said, "Strike luo" “Frzllld’†silt-it the maddened Ihnusnnds. and the echo answers-d, "Fraud" But a scomlul luck lrom Casey, and the audionre was awed. They saw his [are mow stern and mid. they saw his muscles slruln‘ And lllry know that Casey wouldn't [Pl Ihal ball gt) by again The sneer is pnnt‘ Irorn Casey's lips, his teeth are rltim-htitl in him», Hrs pllulllk \l'liil z‘rut'll \iifllk’l’ll‘r' his llnl upon [ho piail‘, And nth illt- [lllL‘hl-r “nidk ihl‘ Ii.l|l, .‘lnti llnw i'IP ‘915 ll l1â€, Anti ntlw lllt- ..ii- is shallhrmi hy thi. ti.ri~.- hr Casey's lilow Uh' iiittiiiuht-ii- III this Litiitt-il linil tlii- sun is Shining ltrtiutt, The littllti I\ playing siiiiii-iilii-t.-, (Hill \tlllll'will‘rt‘ hiutrts llrl‘ llmll, inil \Ililll\\lli'l" "\4‘1’! ari- lrt|lltlllil|'_ ("Iii Nllnl‘uhl‘l‘l' (illitlll'll sliiiiii, Bill |ll1'rl' h iii. hit iii Nihilklill’ iiitithty {ASH} has smith iitiii [Cl’m'hl liull'rt'ml‘ Thin/kw