McLAYâ€" Dorothy May (Dot) Suddenly at the Wiarton Hospital, on Friday. April 25th. 2003. Dorothy l‘Dot" (Thomas) McLay, of Wlarton, in her Both year. Wife ol the late John McLay. Friend ol erly VanMaa~ nen. Dear molher of Marie Wilson and her husband. Romayne, of Toben'nory, JoAnne Mackie and her friend. Nelson Lyons. oi Lion‘s Head. Danelda McAlee and her husband. Torn. ol Tobermory and Patricia Thompson and her husband. Bill. at Ferndale. Special grandmother 0! Tammy. Flay, Jeff. Marsha, Marty, Tum, Tyler, Todd, Michelle, Tracy and twelve greatgrandchildren. Sister of Margaret Peer. Sadie McLeod, Les Thomas. Charlie (Audrey) Thomas. all of Wianon and Stan (Joanne) Thomas. 01 Lakeside. Sister-in-Iaw of Dan (Susie) McLay. ol Sauble Beach. Katie (Ivan) Meilhausen. of Ferndale and Christina MoCtncheon, ol lJ'on's Head. Predeceased by two sisters. Nora Moore. Winn ï¬duse and two brothers. [van Thomas, Jim Thomas. The lamily will receive friends at the DAVIDSON CHAPEL. 71 Main Street Lion's Head. on Monday from 2:00 to 4:00 and 7:00 to 9:00 pm. The funeral service will be conducted from the luneral home. on Tuesday. April 29th at 2:00 pm. with Flev. Norma McLeod officiating, Interment. Eastnor Cemetery. Lion's Head. Don- ations to the Wiarton Hospital or the Heart a. Stroke Foundation would be appreciated by the lamily. Condolences may he sent to the lamily at ‘\ oil fltfl:a_' j-‘i/Vliite «J , . 1 fit?! 6' Maureen ' Atï¬mon of gwyatarm er in Squï¬fe ï¬Bmcï¬ are (U very phased tau \ ' announce the (i engagemnt qftï¬eir . v1 ' laughter ‘ Ll) to .3 Andrew 'Wï¬ite : .m'n alezttyann é†{Pit Langan of j H N N’ r u“ Scone-Lorne Lawrence. Sudden! at his residence on Sunda April 27,...)2tttlï¬t1 Lorne Scott 1 Fl. #4, Wiarton in his 75th as}: Beloved .huebandiol Mary (Burr) Scott. Dear father at Jane leep I and her husband Robert of Lindsay. Cherished randfather of Jennifer, Dianna and Justin. Brother 0! Joe at Lon on and Nancy : Flynn of Croswell. Michigan. Brother-in-Iaw oi Bunny Burr of Toberrnory. Frank and Barbara Burr. Gerry and Fran Burr. and Dennis and Ruth Ann Handy all of Samia. Also survived by several [ nieces and nephews. At Lorne's request there will be no service or visitation. A private larnrl graveside service will be held at a later 1 date. Donations to the iarton Hos ital would be appreciated I: atl‘iligltnaénrl .rgggnggc?e%tslentruste tott'he GEORGE FUNERA ._ A n: on 0 shoes me e snt to the fam‘ y “y at ï¬ï¬‚Du/iTrD/Uï¬ G