Mafircolm WI members Visit BMTS operation 5 “t? For thctr Canadrun tnductrm meeting, held tn Murch‘ \IZIICNIT Wumcn'a [neututc membch and thou guests learned a great dun. ubnul lhc tclcphonc mdusu’wt The) Lruvclch by bus to tour UN headquarters of the Brut? Munict- pal Telephone Syslcm sitnmcrl nn Htghwny 31 near T.vcrton. Gary \rIcGillivray. manager 0| with and marketing, conducted the group vl' 25 thmughout {ht I'ucrltuc» und crplzuncd in deutl [he optmtmn at the public uLtltLy. Samples of cquipmcnt From the carltcst to me most current “t‘re nu dtsplay In the George Downcv Confer cncc Room a video w chmm dcptcting th‘ tnvcnuon 0t thc tclvA plmttc and [110 gruwth (\I North \mt-rttzt\ tt'lt‘cmnnzuntt‘utmn s);- [‘3th Utmuglmul Lht: \L‘JJ') \tr \kUthvray 11c Introduced M \ttmmt it'hlum .1an was prc- wt m1 \\ r|.h .t utl‘t ul upprccmuon by \‘mrmu .‘.t.MIn t'nltu .tntj mnrlwtchm wcrc 3- Im a! tn tltt‘ slull lunchruum. Mt‘ttth'n :tnx‘wrn'tt [ht‘ roll (all N [Mlng wuwlhmg thcy had heard ml thc UM [urly ltnc \thtlt‘ Pcnmes lur "HL‘IHI‘JHP wch anributcd acr mrdtng In thc number of untcs each had mctl tht' tL‘lL‘DthC that (lay. \r‘tm- .~\HL‘s prmcntcd Neigh- INN} \‘kWVN :md Grttcc \Nilkll'K JILIIIFSJ \[mcmt pn/L‘s for a March lnrthdax and mntconc wounng the lltU~l gust-n, Dunn; lht‘ busrm‘ss scssinn‘ Joan \tttt'tupttt‘ lLT‘L‘I’lCd tm thc Brucc E;L~'t Lt \lrh‘t Dtm‘tun mccttrtg hL’lLI rt‘ï¬â€˜ml} In \\'.t|kt‘rltm Sht' :tl\t- rscd tn «nu my tits tihlrk'l numb annx t'umrntttcc lur thc upcmnmg ttnnuul ntucttng. Mcmbcn‘ wtcd (v hut ; [\mmh 1.1M uul At IWS Grunt) Muxcum membership They .rlm \tttt‘d to most fur dtnncr befon‘ lhctr 4N Annual meeting Apn120, Ruth Ench was presented with a R\ITS mug for mosl capany serv- mg: as tht~ group's bus drwcr for the (wrung 1hr Brute