V ' I ‘ b'. Pu lc lotion e " air in self-prupcllud crrs Im on tho CNR as Runners and by CP Rail as Daylinrrsi The findings resulted from pub- lic hearings on the applications for discontinuance held in the Grey Count) court house in Owen ‘ ’llway passenger SEivll‘E in ma arca enclosed by Stratford, Tor- onto. Owen Sound and Euderlch win and Nov. 1. I An order granting applications CP Railand Canadian National to discontinue passenger six routes was issued rust week by the rail- ta ilway was ordered to improch both its equipment and scheduling on that route. The situation will be reviewed in a year. To be ended are passengsr runs betwccn Toronto and Palmerston. Palmerston and Owen Sound' Pals ‘ ~ metston and Southampton. Srrat- Sound March 3|, in the Welling lord and Klncardine and Stratford (on County court houst, Guelph. ‘ S such is CM! and between April . r 7 11:25:: and 031211 Sound by CP The decision leaves Lucknow ‘ tune an‘applica- tail. Lucknow and Ripley are with no public transportation. ' glitz"; disco'nlinue pass- served by CNR on the Stratford to Bus scrvtce to ll'ldls comnltunt:s ' > 'EZ 2:33 sen/ice between Guelph and Kincardine run. 7 was discontinue several ) Tasmnto was rejected and the These have been served in rec- ago. 162 ;ears Onge 7C â€" W ~lUBKNOW NATIVE Mrs. Mary Pierce. seated . cel- ebrated her 102ml birthday Octob- er 16 a! Princess Elizabeth Hospit- l .11 in Winnipeg where she ts a pallenl. Clockwire Aluulld her are. nephew Malcom Watson. San Diego. Calrrornu. formerly of Lucknow; niece Lorna Camp- bell. Lutknow; cousin Mrs. A. E Chapman. Regina. Saskatchewan and Mrs. Malcolm Watson. Mrs. ‘ Pierce was born in Lucknow. Ont- atio in 1808. daughter of Mal- l cblm Campbell. first postmaster in the town, and Mrs. Campbell. cwc V cm gw cmmali'on Sunday Jmll. llEillll'RSL‘PJ Jnh'l rhartes thilt rim. :01) in ‘ REV. .rrnr .\:r, winim lrcltdc'tmt t of linijdsturk, rL-Cin‘cd nir I fit- aim of l'lninit} rlr mm: at lll‘ grad' much (u rtiscs a: r'rroi Cults-gr: in Toranzt‘ on xiii 7m. Hc llrlfl t'arller rcccneli his Riltllelu' of Arts degree at wesrrrn tinin in London, crstt) John's parents, liar. Willy-m ‘ Henderson and the rormrr may rNacDonald. are both names of ‘ihls Communlll. Fulluwmg in ms lonulup; of his inner. and his grandfatht-r mu late Rev. F.H. MacDonald 0r" Lucknow. John Mill be ordall’lufl at ‘ Woodstock on May 26m. â€L‘ will scrt'c lhc- Presbyterim Church in Thompson. Manitoba. _\_‘ tcr of Mr nf Luc horn: or Mr . kitchencr. l EDWARD rinowN Fdwnrd Brown, son of Mr, and Mrs. Cyril Rrown of Lucknow, received his Bachelor of Arts do from Waterloo Lutheran Linivcrsit gtet at UK Spring Convocation held on Monday. May 20. The Baccalaureate Service for the 1965 ‘Gladuatl’ng Class was held at [he {Kitchener Memorial Auditorium. A reception was held afterwards at the Universlly and guests were present from Toronto. Walltcrton and Lucknow. In the Fall Edward wlll be on the staff of the Riplcy District High [Salton This summer hl.‘ will be Education in London. ‘ailending Althousc College of Mackenzie Srholarshlp in Gradr XIII. KATHLLTN LEDDY ‘ Kalhlcfn Mar und Win know. graduated last Thursday from St. Hospital in Kitchener. ,‘r garet Lcddy. Mrs. Ra inn She was one ofES graduates complete her training at tht- St. Mary's Hospital School of Nursing, The graduation ceremony took place at Falrvlew Cinema and relatives attended ftom Augustine. Kitchen Lucknow and A bLffet StlppEl followed at the and Mr: Dennis Lcddy gliam. Mary f l dangli-r yniond Lndd)‘ nurse 1 r 'i to . Friends St. cr. Kingsblidrzc. Edward attended Lucknow District High School and won the Alexander