Few people ever experience the change of a century. Even fewer, the change of a millennium. We fortunate few, have chosen to welcome in the new millennium in the company of dem- friends. Herein, you will ï¬nd short proï¬les of us 4 and . perhaps gain some insight into us as people of the twentieth century. It is our hope that our sense of the importance of this momentous occasion will be apparent to future generations, Traditions hold a place in our lives. We are not ruled by them. nor threatened, as some of our ancestors may have been . Rather, we respect them , and encourage our children to do the same. with that in mind, we have compiled this record . We hope that it will be kept safe, and passed along to our children, our children’s diildren, and children that follow.......a.nd on ..mayhap ....... to the next milletmium.