Kawartha Woodlands WI Tweedsmuir Community History, page 33

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Page ll] -L|k:ficld Karcllewanaula lien.er e pm”. Mind, 1 ,m Farm Commodity Sales $61 Million Number of Farms - 1,369 Value of Farmsâ€"$556 Million ( Machinery, Livestock, Land, Buildings) 532 acres ofvegelable crops....216 acres in fruit cropsm. 15,402 beefcows".e.6.483 dairy cows....,10,635 pigs." 507,663 hens and chickens..10.828 acres corn for grain r 5,645 acres corn for silage...386 acres for sweet com... Source: 1996 Census of Agriculture | Highest Farm Cash Receipt: was for Dairy Camlnollilies $18.1 Milliuu Changes to Hydr By Allan Gal-ding. on fir- slag: was ser fur rm Change: erurlve Carnmirlee we see mining m Oniario‘s Airnneilire yenrsngnrlrrâ€" euppiy of elemficiiy and iii _â€"l | Page 20 ~Lel<elie|d Kamhewanonka HE RALD * Friday. March 13. 10130 e Environment Iural Openlions in Run! Dne Agriculte and th dislrihnliun. Tim's when a fiveryear freeze we placed on rates Onlurio Hydro could charge its customers by [he minisler of me tnvimnlllcl'll and energy. A1 L'rle lime, il seemed llkE good news. lull ilien we imi manlth rservices char 5 added in whirl Hyrdn‘s farm g cwlech had in pay, whlll' lhe anlunl mes may have been mninrairreri, [he were 10 rarrn. ers hirv: increased NOW. farmers are bmcing fur further increases in ilreir energy cosis. especially ihc \imall \mlurne nserg as (in: province prmeeds willl iis plans in dcrcgulnle- lire entry buswese' in Onirlrio, Wiill 0n- rzrin Hydra being limkun inlu ai ieasl ihrec septum compa- nies. il wnn'I hi: easy dcrrmnin» ing which segmenl is respnnei. in: I'm fulure price increases. and where lire cumplmnls should he focused. him we are seeing u mul- rirnde of pelvic! brokers spring.- ing up muss llie prnvinee as n rusull nl' inc dumgululian and [he npenrng up uf eiecirir enr :rgy merchandi'ring. ii could even reach me stare nr being eenrnring rer people in decide where :n rum in buy [lien puwur requircmunir Many years age ilre On- tario Federarinn nl‘ Agriculiure negniinied a "rural ml: assis- ranre" program wilh Omar-in Hydra lo Iuwer in: ms! ur elem: energy fur farming cusrnmers cl Hydro. Will] all lllc Chang-:5 laking place, il hasn'l been dulcrrniund ii tllll program uiii be mninmined ur h segmcnl er the inuunry l rake ll-ie lul far (in: rule reduction Wr- an: all aware Lllrll Uri- tnrin Hydra iccumulakd bil- linns ul'dullnrs in deb] uvcr Ihc pari qumer eerriury of opera- liun The prnvinciill govern- menL as pan pf ilS pllli for ilie m deregulaiion and clunch wpnis lu we inal debt yard uff wrih me: an pmfils ill: newlyâ€"named puwer rompeâ€" nici are expected Io make The CPA believes [hat guvcmmcni's pmmises er ml increase in energy rules he calls: er llre dereguluiun may bl: lrullnw rheluric. Huw can lime new mmpanles rum in pram where Omani: Hydra couldn'l unless rile rules lire increased? OFA has DBlCulflllc‘d mar farms williqu huuacfi will see lhtir electric bills increase nboui $350 per year on sewici: cusrs. Orhcrs in rural Onlruio Wlll see similar increases in Iheir eluciric c0515. and lllls is I major concern fur ihe OFAI l! is believed these higher uner ' eosls will undermine ilic vesimenl climb: in null 0n- win wiill a murmur.“ mine lion in in: number arefr-Enrm job: Dfi-fnnn Jabs are whai n3..â€" kepi marry small nr beg ning farmch on their films. and OFA is Unmanned Ines: Dnuriu's runners Suflccfifill in gel» are Immlw Die mosi e . g die pmvinciil environmentally governmenl in mnreimre in the riglrren up inc wande For much of ilre pul deenrie uney lrnve been develop. ins environmenrnl l‘urn plilns for their \llm properties, and ‘JW me! are prew- lug nutrieili manage- men! plans for llleir {Innsr when each funnier was upwind. lo odllce enough for 18 nr 20 allier people. rile pressure an the land and (he environmenr was nlurrli less. Tndny. how- ever. each farmer is feeding more man 100 pcnplu and the area of land uses in produce Fund has been declining Wilh urban Sprawl. These eircume‘lrlnccx llaVc flirted modern farmers In be much more aware of lhe‘ir inr put on IhC land, rim wail-r, inc BIL and yes. Lllrrir nun-farm neighbms living rill around than [n mcenl years the Ouiurm Fulcralian nf Agricullurc was fly Lira Alderman. OFA Execurlw Cammi’rlee “Mull-MW OFA Commentarycwm in n few Fanning and Fund Fruduulion Prvloc- liou Aer n5 3 means of ensuring farmers using normal farm» ing practices “null! nDl lie shin down :5 a result of com- plaints me llrlrir nun-[am neigh- be Wi in lire past year, line number ni‘ somplainls from lllcse nun-rum neighban has inr areas uf (he pmvin e where large produclicri funiiilies have been cslablished [0 mm advane rage of ccunumlrn’ of scale Afiur allr if farmers are in hr: cxpccied Lu sunivu wrlh dc- clinmp pmducl prices, may have lo lind some way ofin- creasing llmr cash reiums on IS pan urine Unrzriu Farm Enrimnmcmal Caullliun. and recenin pflfllcrpiflcd ill a preseniaiiirn nl' findings [0 fl pmvinciul gmummclil irlsk rnrce im “lnrcnswe Agrizul- ratio." Tllill iaslr fume nus repâ€" rcserrmiwes from Lhe Ontario M iry uf Agricuirnre, Food all Rum! Arlen-s. and IJW: Manisuy cf the Environmenl Th: "inpul" plum nf die iask force's jull has been rom- pleled. Ind 5mm we can expect rcmmmendariuns in the pre- viluzial governmenr Fan of ihes: recummendulions are expeclcd lo address line mie muniei govenuuenu should play in conlruliing tnduy‘s mullern farming Opel-aliens The Ontario Federalism uf Ag- ricuirure is wnlchrng in: pree- ess closely, prepared lo rake slaps lu pmiecr ihe rigiirs of farmers (0 Early on Ineir fen-n- ing nperarinnr OFA does not condone [arming npemlinns ihar curi- rrihuie pulluiinn [D ihc erm- mnmenl. We uxpccr farm": in du Everything possible reproâ€" ml and imprme in..- environ. lllcrlt so ihai fuiure gcnmiiunr, nave someil-iing in Enjoy win. [his in n d OFA is prepnrca lo work will?! [annch and all levels of goucmmcni In de- veiop plans in achievu ihis elm jcuiwn Mreiing .rii inc swims and. future requiremlnls ro DNA (eel Hie environmenr is hemm- ing very wmpln. ma OFA sees a gmwing need for OMA- FRA tn be mere |_s a "ii-nu party" in uruv‘iide Infill/1'; ml: Systems being even . m1 enenruriiy verifienl' n mar ure farmers are doing-ll peril CPA is also suppomng lhe Dnlariu Farm Efll'lmflmfll'flfl] Cuililinn call for me csrahlrsh- mcnl nr Local Numenr Mall» agemenr Cfliflmlflofis lq work ‘ a] muncrls un wilh munii.‘ agrifiulmrzl issues. and illc appoinlmeul er a PrDi‘llllii‘dl Arbirmlor lur wnlcmeni of em- onrnenial cumprnrnis an: manners, _ nulliur uranium urn .\CL') in urgcni nrud rrl'u SOlUIan i=7 in: sharing- ui‘ inspection eiiill - I'm- li’ru Mman flf lhl: Envi- ronmeni. GPA and ill: Gnlaflo Farm Environmnnlnl‘lelnnn want wmpluinls 333nm firm ing npmiiunr rienlr mu- m a many rreninn m mlnlmlzt any nimble nay-live urrpecis u'n iphe envimnmeni fmm negli- cnl {m u ole, g OFA irflud or ill; work lhc fanning community In One lam has dune lo praiecl and imprmc in: envuflr‘mtnl, and il warns ill: r45 Bl" satiny 1n knew {annals in: goal! slew- ards at“ [he land and rrs sur- mundin EDITO?'S i UTE: In. Perm-e buruugh fauna. m jlnr by law rn comm! largevrjai‘e live; '1: rallcmdmil‘an la! jlfl 22:. mm: nu Ulunabte lawn nanny-an cmrurll, inn: rum: r-nurrcri‘s rm- naming rmi‘rlrdJ rinnirrr bylaws wade OFA Commentary changes la the cinciric suwiy business in Our-no may bring, unmlrer round ul' all-TIMI Illi- gnlicn. Tiler! is llSfi cunsiden‘lhlc worry ulsolll ineilileluuloe of msmrssioli lilies in remote rural mils. lll ll‘l: puiOnlnrio Hydro managed in pmvide an accepiablc level of scwiees lo ll'lzse mas. bill now if sum:- ihing gag: wrung in a mleI: rural rim. in: cmnpany n:- inonsible will prubably have In: mess lric imputl of rlwir m- visiun nl' sen/ire on their m- lom line. Ana iiII. Iiicy lire unnamed rn rhnw n prufil lllll can be npplird in Olllarln Hy. lim‘s debl replymenl. DFA eenrinues In review all aspecris uf rile charges Ind is ntrerrlpling (u esinlnirrn nnw lacs! Ir: proieci lhc interests of Ontario farmers rlrlll Illi: rural Oniario communiiy, Once ugnin lire was seen .9 an necked Igninsl the inner esls of nlrli Onwioe This ap- Praeth by llie pmvinniel gull- emmcnl is or increasing can» rem ID lh: Dniurin Federuiinn nl‘Agriculrure,

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