" ‘ PRESENT H ls‘fl HGRlCuLmRE " TORY 2000 #3 File 20 ~szeï¬eld Kmhewmoolra HERALD A Fn'duy. Much 24, 2000 Agriculture and the Environment Ontario‘s formers “[an in: most GIIVJronrnentally- columns in the world‘ For much of the put laud: lhcy have bent d=v=lnpa Inc environmental farm plum ï¬n their mun mpmigs, um 9W _ Ire menus murmur Irnr r eir his. Whln uch flmwwas In I}: enoth for IS or 20 other people. in: By Lira Alderman. an Ertcrm've hm Canurmm sum! in m. ring in: pmvinoinl uVEl'llllIElll [0 llghlen up an: 'F‘Irrning and Food Production thec- tinn Act as n menus , 0! running ï¬rmer; using normal ram. ing practices would not be shut down Is I mull of com- pluinu. from IJtcir nan-farm neigh- Wilhin the you. In: number of eompl aims from th use n n nâ€" farm mum: on due land Hm‘u‘“ nei bar: has in- [ht :nvimnmmt DFA Commentawmgh m a few wu much less. Today. howr “Er. cult farmer is feeding more lhan ton people and the In: of land used to produce food has hem declining with Inhnnspntwl. Those clrcnrnslances have fumed Modem farmm iv in flinch mum antral: of their Im- pact an die l-nd, In: warcr. the Air. and yes drcir non-farm Mighbors Iiv ng all around {ham [in recent years Ih: Unhxio Fedcmtinn of Agriculture was Irons of or: pnwinne where large production facilities have hurt eslahlishud in Ink: advan- tage of economies of male. After all, if farmers are It: be expected to sum e with fle- clining pmducl prim-s. they have lo ï¬nd some way of in- cruising uteir ml. mum OFA pan of dlc Ontario Farm En mnmmulCoalilian, and recently p ated in A presenlalion or gs in a provincial governman force on "Intensive Agricul- nrrlt] Operations in Run] On- Im'in.†Thll Ilsk lime has Iesemlrives Earn an: Outlno Ministy trf' Mealtime. Food and Rurnl Aï¬cirs Ind the Ministry of ï¬re Environment The “input†phm of the Ink fm's Job has heat mum pigled. and soon we can expect mandarin†to Ih: pmâ€" vinciu goverlunent. Part of Lines: remnunmdnjnns Ir: armored \D warm the role munici gnvmunmis should play In controlling wday's modern mini operations The Ontario Fr-ï¬nï¬mr t7ng- rictlltun is war; mg the proc- closely. prep-red u: nth: steps to protect the rights or Tanners to carry on their flann- ins apentiwus. - DEA does no! oundone forming 0 tons um um tn'hrrre poltltion to the envi- runlnenL We upmr Tanners In do everylhlng possible tn pm- tact and impmv: Ute environ- ment so flat future generations have mate‘lhtllg to enjoy: With this in mini!w OFA rs warm to work with farmers and Itll levels of government In de- velup plans to uhicve this ob- jective. Meeting I“ are existing DFAinlso suple Ontario Form Environ-mini Coalition unturmcmtisb- 3 mm of Local Numar‘ t Mun- agemerrt Commas to with munici commit an agricultun! issues. and the aypoinxment or I Provincial Arbitrator for smarter-n or environmental enmpl-ints erg-inn farmers, Another problem DFA seas in urgent need a: nsolutian is me shortage ofinspcolinn I « for m: Ministry or an Enu-