THE BUCKHORN AREA WOMEN'S INSTITUTES The old Buckhorn Chapler which was organized in I930 was disbanded. in 1983 .but not before they had done a tremendous Int ol'good in the community. Lisled below are some of the accomplishments of this group ‘ Donut-:5 points or interesl mentioned in the text. Sel up bank accounts for new babies and knitted or sewed layettes for needy ones Paid a man to keep the bridge clear over the dam in winter‘ Had sand put at the public beach in Buckhom Marked the grave of the unknown Native at Sandy Lake Ccmetery“ Knirted socks, nuns. sweaters and sent halting to the soldiers overseas Put a marker on Adam and Eve rock‘ Had street lights put up in Buckhorn Conducted memorial services all the old Presbylerian Church in Buckhorn ‘(now the Flea Market) and pul up a monument (Cenotaph‘)’ which was later moved to the Buckhom Community Cenler on Lakehursl Road Had the 1 grist mill stones put on pedestals tn the park area between the dam and the locks‘ Contrihuled towards an iron lung in the old hospital in Bobcaygeon Petitioned for lighting at the 4 corners in Buckhom at the Highway Petilioned for Buckhorn to be included in the Peterborough telephone exchange so that long distance charch did not apply Wrote several constitutions against ads degrading women and for pay equity Donated cash to ï¬re victims and to a children's home Sponsored public speaking awards Supported 4-H groups Made presenlotions to hockey players Supported a foster child overseas Gave hampers at Christmas-time to needy families. (in 1938 geese were given) Sent gel-well cards and sympathy cords Offered courses on millinery. making bread and pies. preparing meat dishes. embroidery. rug braiding, quilting as well as other domestic training, Th: new Kawartha Woodlands Women‘s Institute which draws women from a similar area, ehancred in May I993. has a long way to go yet Io ï¬ll in their shoes. However, the new group is working hard to search for ways to help the community and their membership. Recent projects and accomplishments of the. Kawanha Woodlands ladies includes the followmg. Promoting literacy by purchasing books for all children on the Hamper ï¬rnd list each Christmas since our inception provided a hamper and addilional gifls and food for a needy family each Christmas helped the Hoover‘s with Chrisimas craï¬s Hosts 3 Meet Your Neighbour Tea each year which gets Inca] ladies our to meet ench other and promotes the institute Currently working on 3 “Duck†quill lo be donated to the Brock Mission or some other like organization Trained members in quilting. flower erafls. bread making, embroidery. wreath making. Elk Some members help with the Blackburn school breakfast program Other puinls ofinterest in Ll'm area are: The Buckhom Lodge with its beautiful gardens and the balancing rock (currently unch renovation). The Lattehurst Store which has been in operation since 1867 The Cody Inn with its unique architecture across the river and canal from the Buckhorn Lodge The Lakehurst Presbyterian Church which opened in l863 Sandy Lake and its “lieurl“. A hcaulil'ul blue-green lake which abounds in lndian lore. Follow the lialtchursl road from Euckhorn In see the lake. the church. the ceruetery and Lht' store mentioned above. «1Lfo at; a: day?