Elsinore WI Scrapbook, 1982-1984, page 3

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lâ€"______i Tod Dickinson has been in the ivy-V hospital but Is now home tor a M's' L" a'mn- M" Mad” 1 Legg and Mrs. Helen Gowanlock an Saltl day vetting, too descandahts honoured Mr Ira warm on hr; min nirihnay min a a to title while. Sorry to say no has i a return to hospital tor surgary. at Johnson at Dorchastor was i‘ p to see her dad. Frank and ‘ turkey drnner rnis hapay event tea" MOI. o, Mano" we") took place in the Curling Arena Following the meal an open house was held when Mr Wade i received best wishes train a large number 0| his lriEriflS 'Conglatulalinns to Mr and Mrs Flori McCiiilnLli Ul'r the birtn or a daughter Lyndsay A sister tor Crystal -Mr Aidri Btuauluol bl Pickle Lake area suddeniyarrriisorh Alanwas ; the son 0' Mr and Mrs Kar Bruauluui and utieirdei schnul rn Arienlora Own to visit Joan and T51. /‘ -What a ton day the Elsinore ladle: had when the Zion inbuiuta invited EIstnore and Hegwonh to a pot Iucic oinner anothairmaating Thelr'ashlo'l uarade and the aunt 'Can she bake a Cherry Pie Billy Boy/'7" mixed in With lover solos and iguana music in Emily Walker's Alan" style. readings luriny and hat required the title on songs formula topped with a contest t tarntiiar but -- try and name that tune complated an ahernoon the eight Elisnore lames lucky to Ellend reain enioyed Thank you Zan -0ur sinners sympathy to Mrs Roy Chappali tormariy Pearl Beanie ol alienlora on the death oI her husband -On Sunday we paid tribute to Mr and Mia Andy Gowanincx on their sum anniversary How lnrtunaie they are to remain mentally ziun and healthy and to be able to enlny ihr: hundreds 0| menus and rnlaiives that came to honor thorn Marriage . at! 1' if; Anti-N Pliuto Ely "John A Tan' Mr, and Mrs John Mah were niurriud on ‘ Saturday. Juno 2nd, ‘984 at Alianiord United Church Allentoro The Bride is the Iormol Rhonda Gall Wade, daughter Dl Mr and Mrs ‘ Bruce Wade ol Allfr'llntd The groom» [var i ants are Mr (ind er Sound The Couple Will Sound Mrs Marilyn McComb.Va|erla and Bruce called on us Sunnay evening and brought a copy or the song Marilyn composed lnr Grandma Black. As It Is lust one year on Wadnasday since Grandma died here's the tribute: An than vlallnl In N van? My grandma was a lady. and oh. how she could play A tune on hsr violin, be It morn- ing, night or day but now sha's gone to Heaven. just a law short days ago, And i know the llrsl thing sha‘li ask them ior is a llddla and a bow. Are there vlollris In HBEVBH7 Please give my grandma one. She'll clap her hands, I can hear har say. "on, music ls such lun" My grandma was in a nursing Miriq Mnh oi Owen l learnt: in Dwer llama la! lust atioul a year There were so very good to hot. but the any: um long and clear Arid now she‘s up In Heaven. up there with my grandpa and and she'll play them a tune on that violin. and matte them all so glad. Dy Mariiyn Manama in memory oi Franco: Halan B i a c k . Happy Father's Day to all the 44 were the hostesses tor the An: nual A CW poi locir dinne‘ and program at the Elsinore Carn- rrtunrty Centre on Monday even- ing when 30 iadies and gentlemen allenced 'the toad, as always. was delioious Thp program was provrded by solos by Mrs Pearl Anderson at Saur ble Beach, accompanied an the muuthorgan by Mrs ‘lr Chambers at Skigriess Mrs, Bernice Gowan ol Allenlord played 5everat numbers geared ‘ to the age group present, Vlala Chambers played the mouihorgan accompanied on piano by Helen Gowaniofll. Mrs Madge Logo olayea beauttlul Oliflo music and Heler Gowanlock gave iuo readings Mr and Mrs Lindsay rncrnhurh oi Port Eigrn shown slides ll iusirating the poem 'Dawd l'ld narrated by Mr Tnornbuln Mrs April Howieti thanrmj the Elsmorc ladies aha thosw vUnr iribuirng to the program Father: lbr next Sunday There's darnlrig and manulng, oi course sir. There's baking and washing you see Ynare's cleaning and always there': cooking Something llaiylordlnnarand tea. ll you had to pay tor It an, air, (But where I: the husband who can?) Gosh. what an expense - so be glad sir, She does it lar low: at her mlnl The Gateway Havan Tea and (Iran Sara was held on Tuesday. May 29 and the marnbera or the auxiliary served the whit: cup- cakes irrith ice cream arid strawberries; looked alter the bake table and said tickets on the arghan that was won by Heather Mass and a wicker waste basket. won by Etnanor Davls. II was a very busy time tor about one and a hall hours, W i ‘1 Eiqin Messam was the ‘Guesi 'oi Honor at a surprise brrinoay oarty His daughter Joyce. Mrs Alonzo McClure, Alonzo and Cindy and Kim Charlton enter lair‘ied Einrn and Mvrei Messarn, â€"Our lympslhy to Mrs. Polo Gordon on the death at Pete. Hip sense at humor will long be remembered by his lriends and the nurses at the hospital. >0ur sympathy to Varn and i Paulina Saunders an the death lâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-t The I964 Summer Visitor: Program at the Bruca Nuclear Power Development begins Monday, June it. this autumn! program is In operation iron to 1m. to 5 pm seven days a week until Labour Day. Tours run at ona hour inter. val: and Include I Itlrn and ex« hlolls axplalnlng nuclear energy as well u I bus tour at the ENFD site. This your. all young India: will be working as summer gulou at tho Visitor: Contra They Ira Carolyn stapnow. rrorn tnvurhurnn. who is a studan at tho University ol Waterloo. Yam- Cameron and Velma Philips, Robert and Ilene Kirkland and Norm and Eleanor Koarns at the McClure home and then to dll’l' net to Louis' Steak House. Seated in a chair decorated with balloons, Elgin was presented with a 'monev bottle'. His orand- daughters, Cindyand KIM. had made him a birthday cake, a replica al the Messam home. yard, barn, complete With a lance (arm animals and a trac- tDr A labour Ol love! He receivr 2d a telsphune call lrom their other granddaughter. Kim at Tobermory who couldn't be with them due to work. We Join the lamily on wishing Elgin a "t-lao~ py Binhday' and while we know he won‘t retire. please slow dawn and like time ll.) pick darSies as well as sionas. Guides tor Visitors' Centre, B.N,Pt[V). Visitor program ready ml Hurrah. oI Elsinore, who is studying at the Unlirardlty or Guolph, Bav Corrman. or Paisley. who I: a student It rho University or Tornnlot Mandy Wilkins. or Klncarulna, who I: studying ll the Unlyarslly at Westarn Ontario. Susanne Slaplalon. or Klncardlria, who attonas the University at Western Ontario and Charyl Figaro, oi Chesley. who I: at York University. Local residents. a: wall In summer visitors, are Invited to drop in tore closeup look at the world or nuclear power. l

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